The Contingent
Labor Imperative:
How Agile Enterprises Succeed in a Modern
Workforce Model

How Agile Enterprises Succeed in a Modern Workforce Model
Key shifts include increased use of independent labor (freelancers, independent consultants, contractors, etc.) to improve workforce flexibility, agility, and access to hard-to-find talent. Today's savvy enterprises are planning to substantially increase their use of contingent labor in the coming years.
Contingent Labor is Here to Stay
Nearly one in three workers at large enterprises are already contingent. This number is growing and growing even faster if you already use contingent labor.
The average company surveyed reported
that contingent labor made up
28% of their workforce.
The More You Use, The More You Use: Contingent Labor is the Gift That Keeps Giving
The More You Use, The More You Use: Contingent Labor is the Gift That Keeps Giving
Firms with a relatively high share of contingent workers plan to increase their use of contingent labor substantially more than those with lower shares. Once it is a corporate imperative, benefits are seen, it is used strategically, and firms use even more contingent labor.
Skilled Independent Labor: An Agile Enterprise's Ultimate Ally
Enterprises use skilled labor (read: highly compensated and in-demand skill sets) for the bulk of their contingent labor programs. This is to meet demand (talent shortages) as well as because they can't find FTEs qualified for the work.
of organizations report that skilled
contingent workers make up half or
more of their contingent labor force.

It's {Not} About the Money: Accessing Top Talent and Meeting Workforce Needs are Paramount
The top reasons for using contingent labor include meeting temporary workload needs, increasing productivity, getting tasks done more quickly, and accessing specialized skills and hard-to-hire talent.
Top Reasons for
Direct Sourcing Contingent Labor
(Ranked by very important score)
Greater access to
specialized skills
Finding / hiring
specialized talent
Increases quality of freelance work
Ensuring the consistency
of work quality
Allows creation of a freelance talent bench that can be quickly accessed
Managing turnover and
transitions; time to hire
Reduces costs
Labor costs
Increases hiring manager satisfaction
Work quality, skills
access, management
Becoming a Client of Choice: Use of Internal Independent Worker Talent Marketplaces
Becoming a Client of Choice: Use of Internal Independent Worker Talent Marketplaces
Corporate internal contingent labor platforms - company branded and curated platforms that connect external contingent talent with internal projects and teams - are emerging as a leading method for accomplishing these tasks.
Direct Sourcing: How Savvy Organizations Scale for Growth
This enables firms to quickly access qualified contingent workers, many of whom have experience working with their firms. Reuse of contingent labor increases work quality, decreases fill time, and improves the likelihood of contingent workers fitting with the firm's culture and work teams. Direct sourcing also reduces sourcing costs, and compliance risks.

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