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Major Global Industrial Manufacturer Crowdsources Novel R&D Concepts and Identifies Top Candidates for Technical Positions

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Number of Employees

88,000 Employees

Company Revenue

27 Billion EUR

Areas Served

90 Countries


3-5 Novel research and development ideas were generated​


Hires made from the pool of talent working on the project



Seeking a New Perspective

A major global industrial manufacturer needed a way to think outside the box for ideas on how to improve on an existing technology—the ignition process for internal combustion engines. The company had already been exploring potential ways to revolutionize this process, but internal brainstorming quickly turned into an echo chamber of ideas that just weren’t hitting the mark. The company decided to look externally for fresh, innovative ideas.

We love working with MindSumo. On our most recent set of challenges, we’ve walked away with 3-5 concepts per challenge that we’ve then been able to test for development feasibility. I don’t know if we would have received those concepts had we not used MindSumo.
– Veronica, Innovation Engineer


A Creative Range of Thought

By the Numbers: 3-5 Novel research and development ideas were generated from innovators on the MindSumo platform | Top participants stood out as potential full-time job candidates

Using the MindSumo platform, the company was able to crowdsource ideas from a global population of college students about how to improve the internal combustion engine ignition process. The company gained insight from many different students—not just engineers—which helped give them the breadth of creativity they were looking for.


Fresh Ideas and Talented New Hires

With new eyes and minds analyzing their problem, the company was able to gain valuable solutions to their problem. Crowdsourcing generated 3-5 new concepts that the company moved to feasibility testing. In addition to these solutions, there were also several participants who stood out as potential candidates that the company was interested in hiring.



Number of Employees

88,000 Employees

Company Revenue

27 Billion EUR

Areas Served

90 Countries


Ideas generated from crowdsourcing

Talent Pipeline

Top participants stood out as potential full-time job candidates

Keaton Swett

Vice President, Product

Keaton manages the MindSumo business segment of MBO and is in charge of business development and building client relationships with enterprises and innovators on the platform.

Keaton Swett

Vice President, Product

Keaton manages the MindSumo business segment of MBO and is in charge of business development and building client relationships with enterprises and innovators on the platform.

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