Charge what you're worth - How to raise your rate today to win business tomorrow

In this exclusive interactive event, independent consulting coach Melisa Liberman gave freelance business owners and independent professionals a walk-through on why Q4 is the time to focus on raising consulting rates.

Structured as an interactive Q&A session, Melisa offered actionable insights into three key areas:

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    How to easily raise your rates between now and year end (and why not to wait)

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    How to be clear on what you're selling (hint: it's not you)

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    Offer quick-to-win, quick-to-deliver revenue infusions

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss to raise your rate today.

Your presenters:
Melisa Liberman

Melisa Liberman

Executive Coach, and Founder,
Melissa Liberman, Coaching LLC.

Access the webinar now