Creating, Maintaining, and Growing Your Independent Business


Creating, Maintaining, and Growing Your Independent Business

Beyond the knowledge that we have on the technical aspect of businesses, it is important for us to develop our soft skills. By developing our soft skills, we obtain more meaningful connections with whoever we have business with. This can be done through many forms of assessments that would allow us to reflect on our personalities, paving the way for us to trust ourselves and to trust others.

In this webinar, Bonnie Moore, President and CEO of Moore Lead & Learn, LLC, discussed basic principles of self-awareness and self-evaluation before exploring easily applicable methods to improve networking skills, presentation skills, and personal interactions to serve the needs of your business both now and in the future. 

Bonnie explored how careers work in expansion and transition, enumerating opportunities where you can leverage your skill sets to land new clients, step outside of your network, and set yourself up for new business in the future. This is an excellent chance for new and established independent professionals alike to take the next step in their careers.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • The types of assessments that you can use to evaluate your personality
  • The importance of building trust with yourself and with others
  • How and why to try out your skill sets on different industries, associations, and platforms
  • The personality types that are incompatible in a relationship between a client and a consultant
  • The specifics on tracking your self-awareness

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss creating, maintaining, and growing your independent business, and don't miss a recap of Part One (5 Challenges ICs Have in Building Relationships with Enterprise Clients), Part Two (Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling Without the 'Yuck Factor'), Part Three (How to Make & Keep Customers Happy), Part Four (Strategies for Billion Dollar Success Amidst Endless Innovation), Part Six (How to Become a Preferred Consultant for Top Enterprises), Part Seven (Land Federal Government Projects as an Independent Consultant), Part Eight (How to Sell Consulting Services in a Digital World), Part Nine (The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business), Part Ten (How to Generate Breakthrough Opportunities by Leveraging Your Network), and Part Eleven (Crowdsource Innovation, Serve Clients Project Needs and Unleash Residual Income with MindSumo)

Bonnie 2

Bonnie Moore

Title: President and CEO
Company: Moore Lead & Learn, LLC

Moore Lead & Learn