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Unleash Your Inner Tiger and Achieve Success


Full Impact: Unleashing the Tiger to Grow Your Independent Business

Determining the best path to take when deciding to grow a business can be intimidating for many independent consultants. Once you have decided that it is time to grow your business, learning the psychology behind which marketing and client approach works best is key. 

In this exclusive webinar, Dr. Simmie Adams, founder of The Consortium of Scientific Practitioners, discussed the most effective ways to take businesses to the next level in the long run. Dr. Adams also helped independent business owners understand their inner positions of strength, coined as the “tiger,” and how to use them for their business’ benefit. 

This April 2020 webinar's Q&A-style discussion talked about:

  • Discovering what your “tiger” is and how to utilize it for your business’ benefit
  • How to take your company to the next level
  • How to have a higher return on investments (ROI)
  • Tips to manage a financially independent business

The Professional Development webinar series covers:    

  • The recipe for a financially successful business 
  • What is a market-dominating position and why is it important 
  • How to define a business’ ideal customer/client
  • The importance of understanding the ideal customer/client’s world
  • How to create an action plan and set goals for your business

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss growing your independent business, and don't miss a recap of Part One (Presenting a Proposal: Keys to Influencing Executives & Winning a Project), Part Two (7 Ways Independent Consultants Can Become Thought Leaders), Part Three (Building an Effective Client Presentation), Part Four (5 Ways to Achieve Work Life Balance), Part Five (Cultivating a Leadership Network), Part Six (Tap Into the Power of Learning Agility), Part Seven (The Resilience Advantage), Part Nine (Using an Executive Coach to Accelerate Your Independent Consulting Revenue in 2020 and Beyond), and Part Ten (Winning Your Audience: Expert Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking).

Simmie Adams

Simmie Adams, Ph.D.,

Title: Founder
Company: The Consortium of Scientific Practitioners, LLC

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