Growing Beyond Your Network: Marketing Your Skills and Brand as an Independent Consultant
Having the confidence in building both your background and experience as a professional can be pivotal in marketing yourself as an independent professional.
The general focus of the discussion was how to make yourself visible to various target markets by widening your connection base. Because of this, the need for the proper training has arisen to succinctly discuss one's background and skills to prospective contacts and clients.
Amy O’Donnell, the Chief Talent Officer of MBO Partners, talked about the opportunities and impact of having the knowledge to “sell” yourself to the market.
During this session, you will learn:
How to translate your skills into saleable assets for independent consulting work
Tips to market yourself to prospective clients
How to follow up and drive sales in a crowded market
How to evaluate current market conditions and update your presence to match demand
The techniques to stand out from other similar professionals in the space
What recruiters are seeing and thinking when they view your profile and compare it to others in the space
Your presenters:

Amy O’Donnell
MBO Partners