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How to Become a Preferred Consultant for Top Enterprises


How to Become a Preferred Consultant for Top Enterprises

With the rise of the independent workforce, there is a need for workers to know what type of approach they can adopt in order to establish their credibility and to use their network wisely. Working as an independent consultant poses a hurdle of solving the ambiguity of connecting with your market and projecting yourself to everyone else.

In this webinar, Deepak Lalwani, Principal and Management Consultant of Deepak Lalwani & Associates, LLC, discussed how successful self-employed professionals land their next clients, while also keeping their current clients satisfied. Deepak also talked about the significance of marketing and business development, including the tips and information needed to achieve “preferred” or “premier” contractor status with your clients and potential clients. 

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • How to establish your credibility through testimonials, referrals, and having a digital presence
  • How the concept of marketing gravity can stimulate people to contact you at any stage of your career
  • How to market your services as an independent consultant
  • How you can use your network to open up more opportunities
  • Things to watch out for whenever you market yourself

This Q&A-style discussion covered:

  • The effectiveness of a podcasting solution as a marketing tool
  • What is preferred between marketing through a third-party and a direct approach
  • Some perceptions to break through that consultants are not as engaged or dedicated to the success of the client as much as direct employees would be
  • How to add all network contacts to one newsletter
  • Recommendations regarding good old-fashion business cards
  • Resources that can be honed to better identify what one is selling

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss how to become a preferred consultant, and don't miss a recap of Part One (5 Challenges ICs Have in Building Relationships with Enterprise Clients), Part Two (Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling Without the 'Yuck Factor'), Part Three (How to Make & Keep Customers Happy), Part Four (Strategies for Billion Dollar Success Amidst Endless Innovation), Part Five (Creating, Maintaining & Growing Your Independent Business), Part Seven (Land Federal Government Projects as an Independent Consultant), Part Eight (How to Sell Consulting Services in a Digital World), Part Nine (The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business), Part Ten (How to Generate Breakthrough Opportunities by Leveraging Your Network), and Part Eleven (Crowdsource Innovation, Serve Clients Project Needs and Unleash Residual Income with MindSumo)

Deepak Lalwani & Associates, LLC1

Deepak Lalwani

Title: Principal and Management Consultant

Company: Deepak Lalwani & Associates, LLC

Deepak Lalwani & Associates, LLC1