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How to Make & Keep Customers Happy

Satisfying your customers is the best way for you to grow your business. This is done by balancing the goal of maximizing revenue and nurturing customer relationships. However, not everyone can easily balance the two.

Given that there are many consultants competing in the same business, how can you have the edge in terms of your value proposition? How does the value of your business benefit the customers that you are targeting in order to make them happy?

In this webinar, Chris Simmons, the founder of Rainmakerz Consulting LLC, answers questions on how to make customers satisfied with your services. He will discuss how to manage customer expectations, how to face challenges and opportunities in customer satisfaction, how to justify hiring or retaining certain consultants, and the advantages that consultants can have over full time employees.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The three dimensions of customer happiness
  • The factors you need to consider in each dimension of customer happiness
  • The best practices of satisfying your customers
  • How to build trusted and stable resources for your customer

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss how to make and keep customers happy, and don't miss a recap of Part One (5 Challenges ICs Have in Building Relationships with Enterprise Clients), Part Two (Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling Without the 'Yuck Factor'), Part Four (Strategies for Billion Dollar Success Amidst Endless Innovation), Part Five (Creating, Maintaining & Growing Your Independent Business), Part Six (How to Become a Preferred Consultant for Top Enterprises), Part Seven (Land Federal Government Projects as an Independent Consultant), Part Eight (How to Sell Consulting Services in a Digital World), Part Nine (The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business), Part Ten (How to Generate Breakthrough Opportunities by Leveraging Your Network), and Part Eleven (Crowdsource Innovation, Serve Clients Project Needs and Unleash Residual Income with MindSumo)


Chris Simmons

Title: Founder and Principal
Company: Rainmakerz Consulting LLC
