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Should an IC Hire a Coach Power More Revenue and Success


Should an IC Hire a Coach? Power More Revenue and Success

Get inspired with a specific checklist of actions designed to power a better career path in 2021. Understand how those who work with coaches can get more clients, manage current clients, and prepare themselves for their next opportunity, gig, or interview. Learn what happens during a coaching session and how coaching can lead to positive change and greater success. 

In this webinar titled, “Should an IC Hire a Coach? Power More Revenue and Success,” you will experience a lively, myth-busting discussion between Melisa Liberman, Business Development and Strategic Job Search Coach, Amy O’ Donnell, MBO’s Chief Talent Officer, and Aassia Haq, MBO’s Vice President of Talent Marketing. Together, they will discuss the benefits of executive coaching for your career and showcase different options available, including which options are relevant to each stage of the independent work journey.

This Q&A-style discussion also covered:

  • Pricing in terms of working and transparency
  • How to connect with your network to unearth opportunities
  • How clients can find the right coach for them

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss hiring a coach, and don't miss a recap of Part One (Presenting a Proposal: Keys to Influencing Executives & Winning a Project), Part Two (7 Ways Independent Consultants Can Become Thought Leaders), Part Three (Building an Effective Client Presentation), Part Four (5 Ways to Achieve Work Life Balance), Part Five (Cultivating a Leadership Network), Part Six (Tap Into the Power of Learning Agility), Part Seven (The Resilience Advantage), Part Eight (Full Impact: Unleashing the Tiger to Grow Your Independent Business), Part Nine (Using an Executive Coach to Accelerate Your Independent Consulting Revenue in 2020 and Beyond), and Part Ten (Winning Your Audience: Expert Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking).

Amy O'Donnell

Amy O’Donnell

Title: Chief Talent Officer
Company: MBO Partners

MBO logo

Aassia Haq

Title: Vice President of Talent Marketing
Company: MBO Partners

MBO logo
MelisaLiberman_wbackground-300x300 2

Melisa Liberman

Title: Business Development and Strategic Job Search Coach

Melisa Liberman Coach for Independent Consultants