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The Resilience Advantage


The Resilience Advantage

As a small company entrepreneur, the road to success is neither straight, level, nor smooth. To deal with all of the ups and downs, uncertainties, and head-spinning changes that come with the work, you'll need tenacity, discipline, stamina, and a healthy risk orientation. The recommendations provided by the key speaker of this webinar can help you to achieve business growth and gain expanded assistance.

In this exclusive webinar, Jessica Glazer, Senior Faculty of Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), discussed the importance of cultivating resilience. When you are confronted with failures, disappointments, and challenges, it is critical to be able to rapidly bounce back, stronger than before, with newfound knowledge to continue forward. This program provides research-based advice on what it means to be resilient.

This Q&A-style discussion covered:

  • What is “green exercise” and how it decreases stress, improves mood, enhances focus, and boosts self-control
  • How to be mindful of your own mental and emotional battery
  • How “art therapy” has been found to reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and discomfort
  • How “art therapy” engages the hands in productive, concrete, and finite work and fires up the brain’s reward circuitry

Complete the form to listen to our expert discuss how to win your audience, and don't miss a recap of Part One (Presenting a Proposal: Keys to Influencing Executives & Winning a Project), Part Two (7 Ways Independent Consultants Can Become Thought Leaders), Part Three (Building an Effective Client Presentation), Part Four (5 Ways to Achieve Work Life Balance), Part Five (Cultivating a Leadership Network), Part Six (Tap Into the Power of Learning Agility), Part Eight (Full Impact: Unleashing the Tiger to Grow Your Independent Business), Part Nine (Using an Executive Coach to Accelerate Your Independent Consulting Revenue in 2020 and Beyond) and Part Ten (Winning Your Audience: Expert Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking).

Jessica Glazer photo

Jessica Glazer

Title: Senior Faculty
Company: Center for Creative Leadership (CCL)