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Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling Without the 'Yuck Factor'

Prospecting for clients may be hard, but it’s mostly because we make it much harder than it needs to be. The good news is that there is a much faster and simpler way to look for clients using nothing but email. This method is perfect for you if you don’t really enjoy prospecting, or if you don’t have the time (or the motivation) to keep up with the latest self-marketing trends. 

In this exclusive webinar titled, “Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling Without the ‘Yuck Factor’,” freelance copywriter and business-building coach Ed Gandia explained how the “warm email prospecting” method is used for generating leads. He discussed the three classic psychological triggers that get prospects to respond to your message and contact you to learn more about your business. He also gave tips on how to write simple emails with meaningful connections that get results.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • What the warm email prospecting method is
  • How to use the warm email prospecting method to make sure you get results 
  • Who the warm email prospecting method is ideal for
  • The benefits of warm email prospecting

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss warm email prospecting, and don't miss a recap of Part One (5 Challenges ICs Have in Building Relationships with Enterprise Clients), Part Three (How to Make & Keep Customers Happy), Part Four (Strategies for Billion Dollar Success Amidst Endless Innovation), Part Five (Creating, Maintaining & Growing Your Independent Business), Part Six (How to Become a Preferred Consultant for Top Enterprises), Part Seven (Land Federal Government Projects as an Independent Consultant), Part Eight (How to Sell Consulting Services in a Digital World), Part Nine (The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business), Part Ten (How to Generate Breakthrough Opportunities by Leveraging Your Network), and Part Eleven (Crowdsource Innovation, Serve Clients Project Needs and Unleash Residual Income with MindSumo)


Ed Gandia

Title: CEO
Company: Ed Gandia Copywriting
