
The Hill

David Weil: Wrong man, wrong place, wrong time

By MBO Partners

With 4.5 million employees quitting their jobs and one of the lowest job participation rates in decades, employers are struggling to fill the over 10 million open jobs reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics earlier this month. Yet, two stealth developments at the Department of Labor are poised to make that struggle even worse. The independent…

Authority Magazine

The Great Resignation & The Future of Work

By MBO Partners

Author Connie Steele on How Employers and Employees are Reworking Work Together. The MBO Partners 2021 State of Independence report shows that 2021 was the first year that Millennials and Gen-Z made up the majority of the independent workforce, 34% and 17% respectively. These two generations also currently make up over half the population in…

Yahoo Finance

Taxes: What to know about IRS changes for payment apps like Venmo, PayPal

By MBO Partners

Caroline Bruckner, American University Kogod School of Business Tax Professor & Kogod Tax Policy Center Managing Director, joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss the IRS’ latest tax policy changes regarding payment platforms, how the agency will distinguish taxable income, and 2023 tax returns.

New America

Community Colleges as Professional Development Hubs for Gig Workers

By MBO Partners

A new labor market survey by the business analytics firm MBO Partners found that the number of gig workers in the United States surged in 2021, from 38 million to 51 million workers—a 34 percent increase. While it is far from clear if that growth will continue once the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, a slew of other recent…


The Key to the New Workplace

By MBO Partners

Flavio Palaci, chief product and digital transformation officer at MBO Partners, a Herndon, Virginia-based company that provides a digital marketplace for businesses and independent professional talent to connect with one another, has a message for tech leaders: don’t forget to focus on the humans. From new workplace setups to artificial intelligence to how to get…

Win Win Podcast

The Future of Independent Work Podcast w/Miles Everson

By MBO Partners

In this episode, Miles Everson talks about the trends in independent work and businesses’ use of independent professionals at all levels. He shares what’s happening and why. Miles is CEO of MBO Partners (, a platform for businesses and over 70,000 independents which recently released its 11th annual edition of their State of Independence Report.


50 Signs You Need to Start Your Own Business

By MBO Partners

If you’re sitting at your desk, daydreaming about starting your own business, this is the article for you. You already know that launching a company can be an intimidating process requiring tons of hard work. But the question has been lingering with you day and night. Maybe you’re just unhappy with your current position. Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of opening…

HR C Suite LLC

Future of Work: The Invisible Gig Workforce

By MBO Partners

The invisible workforce is fueled by a rising “gig” or “on demand” economy. The gig economy is an outcome of the great recession leaving us with fewer corporate jobs and many long term unemployed. While traditional jobs are fewer, many have become entrepreneurs in their own right creating opportunity until something else comes along. This trend…

San Diego Union Tribune

Nómadas digitales: vivir viajando ya es una realidad

By MBO Partners

Levantarse. Ir al lugar de trabajo. Cumplir con la jornada laboral. Volver a casa. Y cada día, vuelta a empezar. Así es la rutina más habitual de cualquier profesional medio… ¿o deberíamos decir “era”? Depende de a quién se le pregunte. Al fin y al cabo, además de nuevos tipos de profesiones enmarcadas en un…

Authority Magazine

The Great Resignation & The Future Of Work: Miles Everson Of MBO Partners On How Employers and Employees Are Reworking Work Together

By MBO Partners

When it comes to designing the future of work, one size fits none. Discovering success isn’t about a hybrid model or offering remote work options. Individuals and organizations are looking for more freedom. The freedom to choose the work model that makes the most sense. The freedom to choose their own values. And the freedom…