Planning with AI

Powering AI Adoption that Moves the Needle: Think Rebuild, Not Retrofit 

By Audra Nichols

Generative AI and other AI technologies based on large language models have seen an explosion in adoption since end users first encountered them. The powerful abilities of these models have prompted a call for AI to be integrated into most areas of business operations. For some leaders and pundits, this could be the solution to…

happy consultant

How AI Can Be a Solver’s Best Friend

By Keaton Swett

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and has been for a while. Recently, a particular type of AI–generative AI–exploded onto the scene. While ChatGPT was the first tool to get headlines, there are now many to choose from. And while controversy swirls around the whole topic of AI, it can be a valuable addition to any professional’s…

Working with AI

Build Your Enterprise AI Backbone through Independent Expertise

By MBO Partners

AI is steadily permeating all aspects of enterprise operations. Workers are already using the technology, mainly in the form of generative AI, to increase productivity and improve output. More comprehensively, companies across industries are reengineering processes to incorporate AI. For example: Banks are transforming financial advisory services Insurance companies are automating auto and home claims…

consultant working

Useful AI Tools for the Independent Professional and How to Make a Selection

By MBO Partners

It may seem like the AI tool floodgates have opened. And it’s just the beginning of what promises to be a fast evolution to increasingly sophisticated offerings. While it may be tempting to wait until that evolution is further along, independent professionals need to dive in now. There is a learning curve, not just for…


4 Must-Have AI Skill Areas for Any Independent Professional

By MBO Partners

To a greater or lesser extent, AI permeates every function in an enterprise. As an independent professional, even if your services are not specific to AI you must master relevant tools and stay current as they evolve. This can allow you to achieve and retain a favorable competitive position and expand your offerings to clients…