Downsides of Using AI in Your Open Innovation Solutions

By Keaton Swett | May 8, 2024

consultant working

Key Points

AI can help you solve open innovation challenges as a research assistant and brainstorming partner.

While making more extensive use of AI in your solving activities might be tempting, this can be a big risk.

Keep yourself in the driver’s seat and let AI ride shotgun!

We’ve talked about the benefits of generative AI and how it can help you solve open innovation challenges as a research assistant and brainstorming partner. But there’s a dark side to AI in open innovation. While using AI more extensively in your solving activities might be tempting, this can be a big risk.  

3 Risks of Using AI in Open Innovation Solutions

Relying on AI for more than research and brainstorming may not produce the desired result. Rather than increasing your success as an open innovation solver, it can have the opposite effect. Here are some of the risks to be aware of.

1. Taking the “Copy and Paste” Route Can Be Spotted

It may seem like a good idea just to lift the content your AI tool produces and put it directly into your open innovation submission. It’s a plagiarism gray area, after all, right? What could go wrong with trying to take credit for something you (or no other human) didn’t actually create? 

Besides the straight-up ethical aspect, gaming the system this way isn’t the path to success. One reason is that the raters reviewing your submissions are getting increasingly sophisticated in identifying AI-generated content. Besides certain keyword patterns that are dead giveaways, there are now tools and plugins that can notify a reviewer if AI has been used in a submission. 

Assume your submission will be checked for AI content, and you’ll be in good shape.

2. It Can Be Difficult to Make a Human-to-Human Connection

Your style of writing and the way you present information can give a reader insight into your personality. While winning selections won’t be based solely on personality, your ability to connect with a rater is certainly a factor. The content generated by an AI tool won’t have your special touch and will likely land your submission on the reject pile because it didn’t stand out to the rater.

3. Your Skills Development Can Stall

Evidence suggests that the more open innovation challenges you participate in, the better (and more successful) solver you become. When you rely on AI for everything, you’re not putting in the creative effort necessary for success in the open innovation world. This means lost opportunities to learn and hone key skills with each challenge you participate in.

Keep AI in the Right Seat

When you consider using AI in your open innovation work, ask questions like:

  • How can AI help ramp up my own innovation and creativity?
  • In which ways can AI assist me in creating solutions that stand out from the competition?
  • Where can I use AI to help me continue to develop (and even extend) my skillset?

Keep yourself in the driver’s seat and let AI ride shotgun!

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