Staff Spotlight: Brianna Vargas: Financial Analyst

By MBO Partners • October 24, 2022
time 4 MIN
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For more than 25 years, MBO has led the charge to keep the independent economy moving forward. And now we are thrilled to give you an exclusive look at the individuals who have made our company what it is today. We are happy to launch new series which highlights the team that power our platform, many of whom you’ve met, and others that we hope you’ll enjoy getting to know! Please enjoy our featured series: the Staff Spotlight.

This month we spoke to Brianna Vargas, a financial analyst who helps MBO’s talent and enterprise businesses each and every day. And if there’s one person in our company who is an ultimate team player, it’s Brianna.  

In our exclusive interview, Brianna shares all her advice, personal stories, and positive outlook on life. After reading her story, you’ll understand how she is, without a doubt an inspiration for anyone seeking to find enjoyment from work and life. 

First, we asked Brianna why she chose to work at MBO:  

The people! The team I get to work with every day is always so open to teaching me new things or problem-solving with me, even when it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. They’re extremely collaborative, and I’m super appreciative for it! 

Knowing that teamwork is what first brought her MBO it’s no surprise that when asked what her favorite MBO core value was she told us: 

Communicate with candor and empathy. Effective communication is an art that is heavily dependent on someone’s ability to put themselves in another’s shoes. Finding the perfect balance between candor and empathy can really move mountains. 

Since Brianna focuses on effective communication and working as a team she wanted to give these two pieces of advice for any young adult thinking about their future career or entering the workforce: 

  • First: The most helpful tip I received when I was looking to enter the workforce was to ask questions. Sometimes it feels really intimidating, but you learn a lot faster when you ask questions. Asking questions also enables clearer communication! 
  • The second tip is to give feedback! Giving feedback is an effective way to encourage change. No one knows what you’re feeling but you, and providing that insight to someone else can help to resolve conflict or improve processes. 

We then wanted to know what Brianna had wanted to be originally when she was a young girl. She told us: 

I wanted to be a doctor! I changed my mind about halfway through college, but I got a degree in biology and completed the pre-med track just in case I change my mind again. 

All those who work with Briana admire her dedication to the work and good attitude, so we wanted to know her secret to waking up happy. She told us:  

Lucky!! My puppy!! She’s my favorite being in the world. She’s also a little too spoiled but she had a hard life before we rescued her, so I don’t really feel bad about it haha! 


We then wanted to know a little more about Brianna’s life outside MBO.  

First we wanted to know how she spends her free time:  

In my free time I love to spend time with my family or try to do something creative/artistic like painting or drawing. I also like to bake, especially when the outcome is successful 

She went on to explain why her family is so important to her. She told us her parents are her ultimate heroes and said: 

They’re both so incredibly smart and hard-working. My favorite thing about them is their commitment to encourage and support growth in everyone around them. 

Even her favorite quote which she tries to live by comes from her dad:  

Life is either fun or funny. My dad tells me this whenever something undesirable happens. It reminds me to not take life too seriously and to enjoy the ride! 

And funny enough, Brianna enjoyed a ride, but when asked if there was something she’s done but would never do again, she told us:  

Ride a roller-coaster. No thank you. They’re not for me. 

Eager to learn more about or submit a member of the MBO team for a future spotlight? Drop us a line and share your suggested submission. We’ll continue this series throughout 2022 and beyond.


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