Staff Spotlight: Hannah Minchew: Product Delivery Manager

By MBO Partners • July 14, 2022
time 4 MIN

For more than 25 years, MBO has led the charge to keep the independent economy moving forward. And now we are thrilled to give you an exclusive look at the individuals who have made our company what it is today. We are happy to launch new series which highlights the team that power our platform, many of whom you’ve met, and others that we hope you’ll enjoy getting to know! Please enjoy our featured series: the Staff Spotlight.

This month we spoke to Hannah Minchew: Product Delivery Manager, who helps MBO continue allowing our clients to do the work they love, the way they want, each and every day. Read our exclusive interview with Hannah to learn more about how she greets each day as an opportunity to make a difference.

When I first sat down with Hannah I wanted to know why she chose MBO.

She told me: 

I love solving problems and making people’s lives easier and better. I value communication/collaboration, developing value-add habits/processes, and most importantly – making sure everyone feels supported. MBO has been an incredible place to grow and practice the skills and principles that I have built my career on, and I feel so lucky to do it with the very best people. I have had the opportunity to work with almost every area of the company and I feel so fortunate for that! 

I then asked Hannah what makes her ready and excited about coming to work:

The people. Hands down. I feel so lucky to come to work with the group we have here at MBO. People are always the driving factor for the work I do, but having coworkers who are your friends alongside of you, totally changes the experience and the opportunities to be successful.

Knowing Hannah is always on her A-game, I asked her what her personal goal for this year would be in her career. She told me: 

In the next year, I am really excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in aligning work across Product, Technology, and our business needs. We are getting so close to being able to build on what we have created as our new System and I can’t wait to be a part of the next evolution of our organization, coming together to support our IC’s.

I then wanted to know about a job Hannah had before coming to MBO. So she told me about the first job she ever had:

Lifeguard! This was a pretty classic gig growing up in a small lake town in NJ.

Finally, I asked her what her advice would be to anyone entering the workforce: 

I am a big believer that being new is your super power! You aren’t expected to know everything – ask questions! You have a unique perspective that is so hard to replicate, use it! Those of us who have been in an organization a while, truly benefit from the questions and ideas you bring to the table with fresh eyes.

This goes hand in hand with her favorite quote:

“She designed a life she loved!”

Finally, we wanted to get a bit personal and learn about Hannah’s life outside MBO.

First, apart from work I wanted to know what Hannah did for fun: 

I love getting outside for a long walk, especially when the weather is just right here in AZ. Cooking – I love taking the time to make a meal. Volunteering – I have been spending a few hours each week in the ER at Phoenix Children’s hospital, and it’s been a great way to start integrating into a new community!

Next I asked her if there were any items she couldn’t live without: 

Chapstick, my Spotify account, and a good pen.

Next I asked Hannah if she had any hidden talents none us here at MBO knew: 

Putting together a meal with what’s left in the fridge/pantry and being a really efficient suitcase packer. With all my recent travels, I have this down to a science. 

Hearing she was I great cook, I then wanted to know what her own favorite food is: 

PASTA. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. And an Aperol Spritz, if anyone is asking.

Once the interview came to an end I could see that Hannah always a team player. She is an inspiration to all of us at MBO and reminds everyone that it’s not what you get, but what you give that counts. 

Eager to learn more about or submit a member of the MBO team for a future spotlight? Drop us a line and share your suggested submission. We’ll continue this series throughout 2022 and beyond.


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