Staff Spotlight: Michele Macera, Executive Account Director

By MBO Partners • January 7, 2022
time 6 MIN

For more than 25 years, MBO has led the charge to keep the independent economy moving forward. And now we are thrilled to give you an exclusive look at the individuals who have made our company what it is today. We are happy to launch new series which highlights the team that power our platform, many of whom you’ve met, and others that we hope you’ll enjoy getting to know! Please enjoy our featured series: the Staff Spotlight.

This month we spoke to Michele Macera, an Executive Account Director who helps MBO continue allowing our clients to do the work they love, the way they want, each and every day. Read our exclusive interview with Michele to learn more about her commitment to paving out the path suited to her goals and why it’s so important to work hard and to live life to the fullest along the way.

When first sitting down with Michele we wanted to know what first got her started in this industry. She told us:

I enjoy opportunities to help my clients create compliant contingent workforce programs that work within their culture and meet their company vision & goals. I have been involved in dozens of program implementations within various roles and they are always so different which are exciting & challenging to me.

She continues to work in this industry because it keeps changing and evolving.

She went on to tell us that she tries to challenge herself to accomplish new goals each month. She revealed that:

I try to set a new goal every month. For example I have set career, financial and health goals in the past. 

Seeing her passion for her job, we asked her if there was any particular moment or accomplishment that shaped her career.

One accomplishment that has shaped my career is where I received an award for “outstanding achievement for overall performance” with one of my previous employers. This recognition was achieved by renewing & extending all of my client contractors. I never lost a client in my portfolio in my 13-year tenure with that organization. This recognition opened up additional opportunities for me within the company.

Michele though added that her entire career was not always sunshine and roses. She admitted that, like anyone, she also had challenges which shaped her career. Michele shared one challenge in particular by saying:

There was a client that was being implemented with my previous company that I was going to be responsible for in my portfolio. The organization wasn’t able to meet the client expectations that we were contractually obligated to and the Implementation leader was keeping it from our President & CEO. I was challenged on how to ensure we didn’t lose this $80 million client, and also not hurt our reputation at the same time. My previous firm didn’t have the same type of open-door policy as MBO but  I went directly to the President & CEO to communicate my concerns regardless. Thankfully my concerns were heard and taken very seriously and we were able to save the account.

After seeing Michele’s resilience throughout both hardships and accomplishments, we had to know what Michele identified as her greatest strengths and weaknesses. She told us:

Strengths: Strong relationship building & organizational skills. 

Weaknesses: Sensitive & Perfectionist

But she added that the number one personality trait which is most effective in her job was being a chameleon:

I describe myself as a chameleon. My strength is the ability to tailor my communication & adapt to different people from management to executive leadership.

She told us a quote she always tries to live by, even in tough times is:

After recognizing Michele’s commitment to developing herself in her career by learning from moments of weakness, but also to utilizing her strengths to overcome the task before her, we wanted to know her the number one piece of advice she would give to young adults entering the workforce.

Listen & Learn

She went on to tell us that the most influential piece of advice she received from a mentor was to:

Never underestimate your abilities, be confident, and know your worth.

Never underestimate your abilities, be confident and know your worth.

Michele’s inspiration and encouragement for young adults entering the workforce made us want to know if there was anyone in particular who inspires Michele. Her answer warmed our hearts when she told us that:

I have had the opportunity to work with/for so many great leaders in my career especially with MBO. However, Dawnette Cooke (MBO’s vertical lead for Financial Services) inspires me both professionally & personally. As women, we have to work harder to gain recognition & earn respect. Dawnette always speaks her truth and challenges when she doesn’t agree. She is a leader that I admire & trust.

She added by saying that here at MBO: I value the accessibility to our executive leadership

From here we wanted to know what she loved in particular about MBO:

I love working with my MBO team & clients. Helping MBO & our clients achieve their goals makes coming to work exciting & something to look forward to.

She explained that her favorite part about coming to work was: Getting the opportunity to work with great people every day.

Finally we wanted to get a bit more personal and understand what Michele like to do outside her role as a MBO Executive Account Manager. This is what we learned:

We first asked her what she loves doing in her free time. She told us:

I love spending time with my family and taking family vacations with my husband Vinnie & daughters Antonia (18) & Alexa (16). I enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes to share with family & friends.

She added that if there’s one thing she couldn’t live without it would be: My family

We then wanted to know if she had any personal goals for this year. She responded by telling us she wanted to:

Build deep relationships with the new clients we are implementing this year in my portfolio. 

Top on her bucket list?

Family vacation to Spain & Hawaii

At the end of our interview, it was clear to us that Michele is a motivational powerhouse for everyone here at MBO but also for anyone wanting to achieve personal and career goals. Michele has a commitment to hard work but discernment to never let that take you away from who you truly are. She is an inspiration to all of us at MBO and reminds anyone who works with her what they need in order to get the job done is already inside you. Your only job is to not underestimate your own abilities.

Eager to learn more about or submit a member of the MBO team for a future spotlight? Drop us a line and share your suggested submission. We’ll continue this series throughout 2021 and beyond.


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