Staff Spotlight: Rebecca Michael, Project Manager of Implementation

By MBO Partners • January 26, 2022
time 5 MIN
Rebecca Michael

For more than 25 years, MBO has led the charge to keep the independent economy moving forward. And now we are thrilled to give you an exclusive look at the individuals who have made our company what it is today. We are happy to launch new series which highlights the team that power our platform, many of whom you’ve met, and others that we hope you’ll enjoy getting to know! Please enjoy our featured series: the Staff Spotlight.

This month we spoke to Rebecca Michael, a Project Manager of Implementation, who helps MBO allow our clients to do the work they love, the way they want, each and every day. Read our exclusive interview with Rebecca to learn more about her commitment to always working hard and always staying true to herself.

When first sitting down with Rebecca we wanted to know what first got her started in this industry. And if she always had a plan or goal to be where she is today. To our surprise she honestly told us that:

I have no idea how it happened. I started in it, and never left!

She went on to tell us that though she never had a vision or determined goal to work in her current role, she did know that she wanted to work for a company that truly values their employees. :

For Rebecca this is attribute of a company is vital. And she even stated that it’s one of the pieces of advice she would give to young adults entering the workforce. She told us that every individual entering the workforce must:

Work hard, be yourself, and make your opinions known.

Which is why she said if you choose MBO then you’re:

Working at MBO your working at an organization that values them. 

Rebecca told us that the reason this advice is key is because a mentor once told her:

Don’t compare yourself to others, compare present self to your past self.

And she never for got it.

Rebecca also wanted to drive the idea of working for a company that values and supports you by telling us why she loves MBO. She told us that each Monday she’s able to come to work not only ready for the week but excited to do her job because:

Everyone I work with is supportive, kind, and helps find the humor within the daily stressors. Feels like we’re working with friends.

Next we wanted to know how Rebecca viewed her job. So we asked her what personality trait serves her best and makes her most effective in her current role. She answered:

Being positive! Implementations can be tough so positivity helps.

Rebecca went on to tell us her greatest strengths and weaknesses as well:

  1. Two strengths: Detailed oriented, and very throughout 
  2. Weakness: I tend to take on too much, and get a little to invested in the project when it’s time to exit 

Next we wanted to know whether or not Rebecca sets goals for herself in her current role, or how she continues to grow. She told us that:

I set goals for myself that are achievable everyday, and then always one I know I’ll have to push myself to achieve. I purposely set something I know will be a sacrifice in another area to achieve it. 

Finally, we wanted to get a bit personal and learn about Rebeccas life outside MBO. At work she always approaches new tasks with a positive attitude and enthusiasm. So we wanted to know if she approached all of life this way. And what she told us taught us that she remains true to this approach to life:

First we asked Rebecca if she had any goals outside of work. She told us that she is a fitness enthusiast and works hard each week to conquer her fitness goals. She said this year she wants to accomplish a

Sprint triathlon 

She went on to tell us this goal stemmed from her love of fitness developed in childhood. Growing up Rebecca told us that she had always wanted to be a swim instructor. And always loved the feeling of getting better and working hard towards at any of her fitness activities which she dedicated her time to.

To this day Rebecca told us her favorite activities to do in her free time are:

Swimming, biking, and nerf battles with my kiddos.

She went on to tell us though that the only way she gets all this done is by never living without her three must have’s:

Coffee, water, wine – in that order

Next we asked Rebecca if she had any hidden talents. She told us that the two hidden talents which make her the most happy are:

I can line dance and am I lip sync battle champion 

Our last question was what was at the top of her bucket list. And she of course made us smile as she told us that she has a heart for adventure and seeing new things. Which is why the top item which made her list is a:

Trip to Antarctica

At the end of our interview, it was clear to us that Rebecca is full of life and dedicates herself to working hard at everything she does, but also always remaining true to who she is. She is an inspiration to all of us at MBO and reminds us all to approach life with positivity and to create a life you truly believe is worth living.

Eager to learn more about or submit a member of the MBO team for a future spotlight? Drop us a line and share your suggested submission. We’ll continue this series throughout 2021 and beyond.


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