Business Management


How to Give Yourself a Performance Review

By MBO Partners

If the words “performance review” spark dread or anxiety, you’re not alone. In the traditional world of work, performance reviews are often time-consuming sessions where employees feel scrutinized or criticized. So, why should you put yourself through this process as an independent professional?   The answer is simple: when done correctly, performance reviews can be a…


5 Ways to Deal With Difficult Clients

By MBO Partners

Managing relationships with your clients can be one most difficult aspects of transitioning to the independent workforce. Even if you are a seasoned independent professional, you may find yourself in a frustrating situation: your client relationship is strained and you’re not sure how to handle it. When working closely with a client on a project…

consultant presenting

4 Ways to Get Buy-In for Creating a Contingent Labor Program

By MBO Partners

Setting up a contingent labor program according to best practices and policies requires buy-in from key decision makers. Forward-thinking companies understand that using independent talent as part of their workforce is a strategy can increase organizational agility and give them access to in-demand skills, there may be some resistance among decision makers to create a…


4 Reasons to Hire Help for Your Small Business

By MBO Partners

When you set up shop as an independent consultant, you’re immediately faced with a number of questions. Will you be able to bring in enough clients to make a solid income? Will you be able to land the clients you want? If you land those clients, will you be able to manage the workload alone? While…

WFH consultant

Create a Home Office with These 10 Tips

By MBO Partners

Successful independent professionals are passionate and dedicated to their work, which often means spending long hours in the office. Luckily, unlike a cubicle, a home office is yours to customize, so those long hours can be spent in a work environment that is tailored to your needs. With a few simple tips, you can create a home…

international flags

Going Global: 6 Factors to Consider

By MBO Partners

For independent professionals, building an international clientele is a great way to expand your business and broaden your expertise. However, there are several basic things to consider before beginning work with an international client that will help prevent minor glitches from turning into major problems. 1. Time Zones Working across time zones can pose challenges when trying…

consultant working

How to Write a Business Plan for Small Business: 8 Steps

By MBO Partners

There is a lot of planning and preparation required to start your own business. One of the most important steps of this process is creating a business plan. Below, we review eight steps to help you create a simple business plan as you begin your small business. 1. Outline Your Offerings Focus your initial business…


How to Break Away from the Corporate Employment Model as an Independent Professional

By MBO Partners

Going out on your own and starting a solo business can be both intimidating and daunting. When transitioning to self-employment, you’re leaving behind the safety net you had as an employee—healthcare and retirement benefits, a boss who directs your work, and an employer who pays half of your Social Security and Medicare taxes. But as…

consultant managing expenses

6 Time Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

By MBO Partners

Managing your time while maintaining the freedom of setting your own schedule is a goal for anyone who is self-employed. After all, one of the biggest perks of independent work is the freedom from corporate nine-to-five days and the ability to create your own schedule. Without a set routine, however, time management can be challenging…


4 Learning Agility Skills that Will Help You Succeed

By MBO Partners

Apply the four key components of learning agility to continually grow and improve your business.