Cori McKee

consultants working

How to Ensure Compliance for Non-Traditional Independent Workers

By Cori McKee

As the way work gets done changes and companies continue to seek high-demand and often specialized skills, hiring managers are tapping workers from non-traditional talent pools. The most notable of these are digital nomads and members of the creator economy.   Engaging Digital Nomads Requires Extra Attention  While independent professionals pursuing a digital nomad work style…

consultant working

How to Define Your Direct Sourcing Strategy  

By Cori McKee

We’ve covered several topics about a direct sourcing program, including building a skills assessment for your program business case, three areas to help improve understanding, the company functions that comprise your direct sourcing dream team, planning the stepping stones of your direct sourcing journey, and keys to program success.   A direct sourcing program does not…


4 Keys to Direct Sourcing Program Success

By Cori McKee

In previous direct sourcing articles, we’ve covered building a skills assessment for your program business case, three areas to help improve understanding, the company functions that comprise your direct sourcing dream team, and planning the stepping stones of your direct sourcing journey.    In the previous article in this series, we considered the baseline elements…


How to Plan Your Direct Sourcing Program Journey 

By Cori McKee

In previous direct sourcing articles, we’ve looked at using a skills assessment to build a program business case, three areas to improve understanding,  and the company functions that comprise your direct sourcing dream team.   The initiative is greenlit, leadership understands the value, and your dream team, comprised of the company functions that need to be…


Your Direct Sourcing Dream Team 

By Cori McKee

In previous direct sourcing articles, we’ve looked at using a skills assessment to build a program business case and three areas to improve understanding so that you can make progress.  A direct sourcing program is a strategic initiative involving various players. Centered on the Talent Acquisition function, the initial phase requires design input from other…


3 Ways to Make Direct Sourcing Program Progress 

By Cori McKee

Achieving the business benefits of an effective direct sourcing program requires some adjustments within the enterprise in terms of how it relates to independent professionals. As this portion of the workforce continues to grow, its members—independent business owners as well as independent talent—are interested in more than pay rates. They want to grow their businesses,…


Skills Assessment: The Foundation of a Direct Sourcing Business Case  

By Cori McKee

The benefits of a direct sourcing program to engage independent professionals can be compelling for an enterprise. Among the pluses, the ability to engage contractors without going through a third party can save costs and improve talent quality. Maintenance of a talent network of independent professionals can improve the re-engagement of high-value talent and minimize…