Workforce Management

Contractor vs Employee img

Employment Types: When to Hire Full-Time Employee, Contractor, Temp

By MBO Partners

When to consider engaging an independent contractor versus hiring a temporary or full-time employee.

consultant shaking hands

7 Ways to Onboard Contractors Easier and Faster

By MBO Partners

The onboarding process can often make or break the experience of working with your company. Independent workers want to get to work quickly, and often that’s what you want too. A strong onboarding program can help create a good first impression and lasting relationship with your independent talent. Here are seven tips for creating a…

consultant at desk

4 Ways to Mitigate Misclassification Risk through Compliance

By Bunker

Mitigating misclassification risk is a top priority when engaging independent contractors and complying with complex federal and state laws can mitigate that risk. The modern workforce has seen a dramatic shift away from the salaried 9-5 employee, and towards a mosaic of independent contractors engaged by enterprises for specific projects. While the gig economy is…


Contingent Workforce Engagement: 3 Barriers to Success

By MBO Partners

Independent contractors provide businesses today with needed skills, specialized expertise, and on-demand talent. Building a centralized program that is designed to manage the engagement and compliance processes for independent contractors is an important part of incorporating contingent workers. An independent contractor engagement program helps minimize a company’s exposure to misclassification liability, and provides processes for…

small business professional

How to Build Strong Relationships with Remote Workers

By MBO Partners

Remote work is common for most independent professionals—it’s part of the appeal of pursuing an independent career. But managing remote workers isn’t always easy to do. Tracking deliverables, building teams, and forming relationships online can be complicated. It’s hard to get to know coworkers on a meaningful level through a screen or a phone call….

consultant working

3 Workforce Planning Strategies to Scale Hiring

By MBO Partners

Developing a workforce planning model is an important part of building a high-functioning blended workforce. In today’s fast-moving, technology-driven world, a strategic workforce composed of both contingent and full-time talent is key to remaining both competitive and productive. This type of flexible workforce lets you respond quickly to project demands, meet budget constraints, and stay…

consultant at work

3 Reasons to Use a Written Contract for Consultants

By MBO Partners

Why Use a Written Contract When Engaging Independent Talent If your business decides to engage the services of an independent contractor, it can be tempting to review the work you need done, come to an understanding, and get started as quickly as possible. However, oral agreements can be dangerous and lead to legal headaches for…

Millennial consultant

How to Make Work Life Balance a Corporate Objective

By MBO Partners

As more people than ever before work remotely, work-life balance is an important corporate objective to consider. Working from home can be challenging. It can be hard to stop working at normal hours, there are distractions everywhere, and it can get lonely. Whether you are managing independent contractors who work remotely, or a group of…

happy consultants

3 Trends Affecting the Next Generation FMS

By John Jantsch

The modern enterprise understands the glaring need – and associated pressures of – engaging the best independent contractor for your project. The systems by which the independent workforce is managed often referred to as a Freelancer Management System (FMS), has drastically evolved in recent years. Here are the key components that have led to this…

consultants talking

How the Human Capital Market is Similar to the Financial Market

By John Dahlberg

Understanding the dynamics of the marketplace is helpful for any business seeking to develop strategies to maximize the value of independent contractors. To help describe the “human capital” market, a parallel can be drawn to financial markets and the basic elements of managing investments. Whether you’re building your personal portfolio or executing a strategic business…