11 Business Books to Read in 2023

- Eight business book recommendations from MBO Partners team.
- Seek out guidance, inspiration, or simply new talking points with a new book or podcast.
- Learn from top leaders, broaden your perspective, and gain industry insight.
Business books can be a great source of inspiration or much-needed guidance. Whether you’re just starting your independent career or you’re an experienced consultant, there is always something to learn.
As you progress through this year, keep a book on hand for when you need to take a break, or tune into a podcast on your daily walk. You’re certain to come across some valuable advice, or, at the very least, some interesting talking points for your next client meeting or networking event. Here are our 2023 recommendations from our team.
1. Atomic Habits—James Clear
I recently read Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book is phenomenal for anyone who wants to understand the science behind good habit formation and how to break bad habits. It is filled with enlightening examples of how small consistent actions can produce shockingly impactful results. The principles taught in this book can be applied to a single individual or across an entire organization.
Keaton Swett, Co-founder, Mindsumo; VP Product, MBO Partnerrs
2. Winning Now, Winning Later—David Cote
My favorite book that I read in 2022 was Winning Now, Winning Later by David Cote, the former CEO of Honeywell. In the book, he presents seemingly conflicting goals—meeting short term growth targets while also investing for long term sustained growth—as being inexorably linked. He goes on to say that finding solutions to problems that appear to put short- and long-term interests at odds is not impossible, it is just really hard. Leaders must recognize this and devote the required brainpower to producing creative solutions to complex problems.
Cameron Griffith, Business Transformation Manager, MBO Partners
3. Earn Your Leisure Podcast—Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings
As a part time entrepreneur, I frequently listen to the podcast Earn Your Leisure. The goal of Earn Your Leisure is to educate the public on only the best financial choices. Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings, our mentors in the entertainment, sports, and financial industries, genuinely want us to handle our money appropriately. The podcast gives free advice on how to make the most of your money. They have presenters on the show who are experts in each of the following topics: real estate, investing, small businesses, and the stock market.
Zan Hudson, Marketing Specialist, MBO Partners
4. Principles—Ray Dalio
I just finished Ray Dalio’s book, Principles. It is a great book for bringing focus to what you stand for as an individual and for guiding clear and quick decision. Ray Dalio is a well-known investor, and in Principles he talks about the processes and rules he followed that led to his success.
Miles Everson, CEO, MBO Partners
5. No Bullsh!t Leadership Podcast—Martin G. Moore
The No Bullsh!t Leadership podcast is a regular go to for me and fits into my busy schedule with short, simple and powerful leadership insights and secrets of high performance leadership that you can’t learn in business school and your boss is unlikely to share with you. Practical leadership learnings from someone who has walked the path and learned the lessons through both success and failure. Listening to the quick episodes give an extra boost to my day.
Bonus: The One Thing podcast with Gary Keller and Jay Papasan offers simple truths behind unlocking and achieving extraordinary results in your business and personal life. Learning how some of the most successful people approach productivity, time management, business, leadership, health, and habits is one of my favorite parts of the week. Not only are topics timely and important, the links and tools from each episode are incredibly helpful as well.
Kelly Beckner, VP Corporate Human Resources, MBO Partners
6. Getting Things Done—David Allen
Getting Things Done is an oldie but goodie and it has very practical insight on how to manage the sea of information that is in our faces daily so that you can remain prioritized, effective, passionate, AND human! I think people underestimate the value of organization for life management that brings peace.
Bonus: The Ride of a Lifetime by Bob Iger. Too often innovation is seen as just grass roots or a short-term play. Bob lays out his long-term plan in here and how he stayed wholly focused to achieve it for Disney. Bottom line, stay focused. How many CEOs truly stay focused on the top 3 objectives and don’t waiver with the new shiny toy? Not many.
Audra Nichols, COO, MBO Partners
7. The Gap and the Gain—Dan Sullivan
I am still in the middle of it and am loving The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan. It is a new way to look at progress by comparing yourself to what you’ve achieved versus what you have yet to gain.
Monica Stevanovic, Product and Technology Operating Lead, MBO Partners
8. Women at Work—Harvard Business Review
I have a great podcast that I listen to regularly by the Harvard Business Review called Women at Work. While the title targets a certain demographic, specifically female, I enjoy how the themes discussed cover an array of workplace topics like decision-making, leadership skills, asking for feedback, etc. We know these topics aren’t applicable to women only, so I like to listen because it acts as my workplace guide with relevant topics that can be shared with both male and female colleagues, mentors, and friends.
Ali O’Brien, Account Manager, Enterprise Solutions
9. How Full Is Your Bucket—Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton
As a freelance writer, I’m constantly interacting with people to pitch, edit, and write stories. How Full Is Your Bucket focuses on all of the intersections you have each day and how they affect you. It gives helpful tips for how to get more out of the interactions you have each day, however small, to make them more positive. The idea is that by reducing negative moments, you’ll not only improve personal relationships, but that you’ll also be more productive in your work and happier and healthier personally.
Rian Ervin, Freelance Writer, MBO Partners
10. Big Money Energy Podcast—Ryan Serhant
I love listening to Ryan Serhant’s Big Money Energy podcast, inspiring #5amclub focus and hustle to rise above everyday noise to win and grow. Ryan shares candid, real life examples of focusing on relationships and trust to deliver exponential value over time. From an entry level real estate agent in NYC to a market disrupting Founder and CEO, Ryan motivates modern marketing, client success, and personal branding.
Steve Berselli, Account Director, Enterprise Solutions, MBO Partners
11.Women Rocking Businness—Sage Lavine
Women Rocking Business has easy to understand and follow exercises designed specifically for women to find success through their passions. This book gives great guidance to women who have entrepreneurial aspirations. Sage Lavine is realistic that starting a business is going to take work and gives a foundation and format to follow. If you’re a businesswoman interested in starting a business or just growing in your current career choice, this is the book for you.
Cori McKee, VP Enterprise Solutions, MBO Partners
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