The 5 Truths About Work Life Balance

By MBO Partners • May 24, 2017
time < 1 MIN
consultant looking at laptop

Work-life balance has nothing to do with work and everything to do with life. It doesn’t matter which words you use to describe this balance. The fact is, most people share a similar desire to create easy joy and meaningful engagement across the roles, relationships and responsibilities that make up life. Yet, our current habits, perceptions and beliefs often get us stuck.

In the Five Truths About Work-Life Balance webinar, Jae Ellard explored the global truths about work-life balance and introduced possibilities to get unstuck from habitual patterns and ideas. This presentation presented five fresh perspectives on work-life balance and engaged participants to explore their personal relationship with balance. Participants left the webinar with greater awareness of what balance means to them and meaningful strategies for creating balance.




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