Webinar Recap: Roundtable: Key Trends for the Future of Work in 2021

By MBO Partners • January 23, 2021
time 2 MIN
Future of Work in 2021

In our January 14 roundtable series, Key Trends for the Future of Work in 2021, a distinguished panel of business leaders and experts reviewed top trends in the changing workforce landscape and discussed how forward-thinking enterprise organizations can respond in real-time and plan for future success.

Our featured experts included Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup, Jeff Wald, Co-Founder of WorkMarket, Diane Mulcahy, Author of The Gig Economy and Miles Everson, CEO at MBO Partners.

During our session, our experts discussed what it means to create and drive a modern business model in 2021. They also shared insight on how to properly optimize and scale one’s workforce to match market needs, and how to maximize key business concepts of control, profit, and growth to sustain and thrive in todays time.

Some of the topics covered were:

  • Pressing issues facing top corporations today regarding the future of work
  • Building and growing an agile workforce in an uncertain environment
  • Trends driving a modern business model, and how to respond

If you didn’t get a chance to tune in live, please listen to the recording below:

Additional Sessions in our Future of Work Series

Check out upcoming MBO virtual events, including:

  • March 11, 2021: Bringing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to the Future of Work
  • April 8, 2021: Direct Sourcing to Access Top Talent in the Future of Work
  • May 13, 2021: Building and Maintaining a Culture of Community to Attract & Retain Top Talent in the Future of Work
  • June 10, 2021: Work Beyond Borders: Leveraging In-Country Management to Enhance a Global Workforce Strategy

And visit MBO’s Learning Channel for more videos!


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