Key Trends for the Future Work in 2021

Key Trends for the Future of Work in 2021

MBO’s Future of Work roundtable series is a monthly panel-style discussion amongst key business leaders and experts to review top trends in the changing workforce landscape. We’ll discuss how forward-thinking enterprise organizations can both respond in real-time and plan for future success.

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Creating a Culture of Community to Serve Future Workforce Needs

Creating a Culture of Community to Serve Future Workforce Needs

Having a community that both recognizes the talent you bring to the company and makes you feel at home is something that companies should advocate for. The general focus of the webinar was on how the pandemic was detrimental to physical face-to-face communities and conferences. As a result, the need for an individual’s sense of…

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Building an Agile Workforce in a Post-COVID World

Bryan Pena Shares Legal Insights - November 2020

How the post-COVID world will be is uncertain in many aspects, including the global workforce. In our webinar on August 25, 2020, “Building an Agile Workforce in a Post-COVID World,” MBO’s CEO, Miles Everson, and Chief of Market Strategy, Bryan Peña, shared the latest thought leadership on how COVID-19 is changing the global workforce. This…

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