Market a Small Business

Considering value

4 Tips to Convey Value to Your Clients and Prospects

By MBO Partners

What constitutes “value” to your clients and prospects? Are you simply assuming you know the answer to this question or is the answer based on reliable information? Grasping how clients perceive value is a crucial step in your business strategy. Value perception, a nuanced concept, can vary from company to company and even from person…


Hard Sell, Soft Sell: Finding the Right Blend

By MBO Partners

Understanding the differences between soft selling and hard selling is key to honing your sales technique. By grasping these differences and learning how to blend them, you can adapt your approach to various customer types and situations, enhancing your sales effectiveness. What is Hard Selling? Hard selling is the style most associated with “sales”  in…

blog writer

5 Key Tips for Business Blog Writing

By MBO Partners

Creating your own blog is a great way to interact with potential clients and draw in leads. As you build trust with your audience, a blog can help to position you as an expert within your field. Building awareness, providing education, and showcasing your knowledge can all be great assets for your business. As you…

Conflict resolution

How to Emphasize Soft Skills in Today’s Dynamic Market

By MBO Partners

Not long ago, enterprise talent acquisition focused exclusively on technical expertise—what we call “hard skills” today. Candidate selection was based on level of knowledge in their subject areas, and independent professionals stressed technical experience in their marketing activities. Soft skills—the behaviors and competencies that foster teamwork and collaborative results—were downplayed or ignored. Things have changed….

consultant working on laptop

Focus Social Media Marketing for Best Results in Your Independent Business

By MBO Partners

As a large component of digital marketing, social media is a “must-have” in an independent professional’s business growth strategy. Effective social media marketing can build your brand, connect you with peers, and uncover new business opportunities. Business-related social media marketing platforms serve different audiences and comprise different content. The most notable include: LinkedIn, fostering professional…


10 Ways to Use Gen AI to Streamline Your Small Business

By MBO Partners

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) offers many exciting ways to streamline your independent business. Gen AI has the potential to automate 60-70% of the average worker’s activities. Nearly three-quarters of independents report being familiar with Gen AI, and already 37% report using Gen AI in their work. If you’ve heard about Gen AI but aren’t…

Independent doing marketing analysis

3 Steps to Create a Niche for Your Independent Business

By MBO Partners

A lot is going on in the marketplace today. We’re at the dawn of the AI era—or perhaps really at the pre-dawn stage—and many independent professionals are facing a growing need to reinvent their businesses It may be tempting to add more services and target audiences to cope with the fast-changing business environment. In fact,…

consultant working

Useful AI Tools for the Independent Professional and How to Make a Selection

By MBO Partners

It may seem like the AI tool floodgates have opened. And it’s just the beginning of what promises to be a fast evolution to increasingly sophisticated offerings. While it may be tempting to wait until that evolution is further along, independent professionals need to dive in now. There is a learning curve, not just for…


4 Must-Have AI Skill Areas for Any Independent Professional

By MBO Partners

To a greater or lesser extent, AI permeates every function in an enterprise. As an independent professional, even if your services are not specific to AI you must master relevant tools and stay current as they evolve. This can allow you to achieve and retain a favorable competitive position and expand your offerings to clients…

consultant working

How to Leverage Generative AI for Marketing Your Small Business

By MBO Partners

Generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) can be a powerful tool for marketing your small business. Many independents are already using Gen AI to assist with research and writing, generate creative presentations, automate administrative tasks, and more. Over one-quarter of independent workers say they use Gen AI for marketing purposes such as creating engaging content, enhancing…