Self Employed Benefits


Business Insurance Requirements for Independent Consultants

By MBO Partners

Being an independent professional means you are responsible for ensuring the legal and financial well-being of your business. Remember that you are your company—if any legal or financial problems arise that affect your company, they will also affect you directly. It’s important to protect your business against the risk of liability losses not just because…


How to Plan for Retirement as an Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

Are there retirement plans for independent contractors in today’s world? Traditional employees (usually) have a 401(k) or equivalent to help prepare for retirement. But when you run your own business, putting such a plan in place falls into your realm of responsibilities.  Thankfully, there are a ton of retirement plans for independent contractors. The right…

happy consultants

5 Benefits for Self Employed Professionals

By MBO Partners

One of the big differences between being an employee and an independent contractor is the need to manage your own benefits. As an independent, there’s no employer to provide you with options like health insurance, retirement, or vacation time. While it can be daunting to figure out the benefits available to independents and which ones…

pregnant lady

Maternity Leave for Contractors: Advice from 5 Self-Employed Moms

By MBO Partners

Even with the flexibility of self-employment, taking maternity leave as an independent professional can be a challenge—both financially and logistically. Not only do you need to plan ahead for your projects, bring in extra help if needed, and set boundaries with your clients, but it’s also important to think ahead to childcare options and set realistic goals…


Why Independents Are Living Their Best Lives

By MBO Partners

American workers’ top three life goals are: Spending enough time with their family Leading a fulfilling life Getting the most out of life. More U.S. independent workers reported achieving these three goals than the overall U.S. workforce. More independents also reported achieving continued personal growth and helping others. In essence, independent professionals are living their…

family running outside

Life Goals: Exploring the Great Realization in Depth

By MBO Partners

While it’s been something of an open secret among independents that their work-style choice fosters the achievement of life goals, there is now empirical evidence that supports this. The events of the past few years have prompted many people to reexamine work in relation to other areas of their lives. As a result, the quest…

pregnant consultant

How to Plan for Parental Leave as an Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

When you run your own business, taking parental leave can be a scary prospect. Without set guidelines or a reliable paycheck, having to budget for time off, set expectations with clients, and work head on projects is daunting. Nevertheless, one of the benefits of running your own business is the freedom to structure projects around…


4 Retirement Plan Options for Self Employed

By MBO Partners

Self-employed professionals enjoy the flexibility, control, and creativity an independent career offers, but the challenge and uncertainty of planning for retirement is a common concern. At a traditional job, you have the benefit of built-in retirement options, but this field can be more difficult to navigate on your own. Fortunately, there are a number of solutions…


Retirement Planning Tips For Self Employed Professionals

By MBO Partners

As an independent professional, you love what you do, but looking forward towards the end of your career you won’t be running your business on a full-time basis forever. More than 16.9 million independents work full time, more than 15 hours per week. Whether you are just starting your small business or you have an…


Solo 401k for Self Employed and Small Businesses

By MBO Partners

The challenge and uncertainty of planning for retirement is a common concern among self-employed professionals, even as you enjoy the flexibility, control, and creativity an independent career offers. At a traditional job, you have the benefit of built-in retirement options, but this field can be more difficult to navigate on your own. Fortunately, there are…