10 Ways to Make More Money as a Consultant

consultant working

As an independent professional, it can be easy to get caught up in the cycle of finding a client, completing a project, getting paid, and then repeating the process. While constantly being on the lookout for new projects and new clients comes with the territory of being an independent, if you find yourself starting from…

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Retention Strategies for Independent Talent

consultant working

As more and more companies move toward a blended or optimized workforce—a combination of full-time employees and contractors—the need to attract and continue to engage high-value independent talent has become strategically significant.  When an enterprise finds excellence in the workforce, whether in an employee or a contractor, it wants to retain it. How can an…

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Life Goals: Exploring the Great Realization in Depth

family running outside

While it’s been something of an open secret among independents that their work-style choice fosters the achievement of life goals, there is now empirical evidence that supports this. The events of the past few years have prompted many people to reexamine work in relation to other areas of their lives. As a result, the quest…

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Pricing Your Consulting Services: Hourly, Fixed Price, or Hybrid Billing?


Figuring out your billing rate can greatly impact the ability to build your business. Ideally, you will arrive at an amount at the intersection of the income you need, the market value of your services, and the value you provide a client. Once you calculate your billing rate, you need to decide how to bill—that…

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