Melisa Liberman

Melisa Liberman

5 Spending Habits to Make Business Owners More Successful

By Melisa Liberman

Thinking back to my early corporate days at Accenture, I recall a time when a colleague and I wrote a business case asking the company to sponsor us to attend a Women’s Leadership Conference. The cost of the conference was $275. Accenture approved it. Looking back, I laugh at myself. I probably invested $1000+ in…

Melisa Liberman

Time Management: Business Owners vs Employers

By Melisa Liberman

“What got you here won’t get you there.” I see it play out almost every day for myself, and the independent consultants I coach. When you think like an employee, your business stagnates and stalls. Shifting your thinking into that of a business owner a critical prerequisite to your success. Specifically, a key to success…


How Enterprises Can Benefit from Engaging an Executive Coach for their Workforce

By Melisa Liberman

Enterprises can realize several benefits from engaging an executive coach for their workers. An executive coach can provide support for employees at various levels and help them to establish clear professional and personal goals. While helping the individual worker, the fruits of working with an executive coach will trickle down to help the worker be…

executive coach

3 Mistakes an Executive Coach Can Help You Avoid

By Melisa Liberman

In today’s post, Melisa Liberman, an executive coach specializing in tech leaders, offers actionable tips from her own experience as both a “coach” and a “coachee” to help independent professionals considering coaching for future career growth or career transition. Despite the title, an “executive coach” is not just for executives. Knowing when it’s the right time…

small business

3 Signs an Executive Coach Can Benefit Your Independent Business

By Melisa Liberman

In today’s post, Melisa Liberman, an executive coach specializing in tech leaders, offers actionable tips from her own experience as both a “coach” and a “coachee” to help independent professionals considering coaching for future career growth or career transition.  When you think of an “executive coach”, does it seem like a coach is only appropriate for…


5 Reasons NOT to Hire An Executive Coach

By Melisa Liberman

In today’s post, Melisa Liberman, an executive coach specializing in tech leaders, offers actionable tips from her own experience as both a “coach” and a “coachee” to help independent professionals considering coaching for future career growth or career transition. Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) have both advised that “everyone needs a coach.”…


3 Most Common Reasons You’re Undercharging as an Independent Consultant (and How to Overcome Them)

By Melisa Liberman

If you’re an independent consultant, chances are, you’re undercharging in some way. It’s a common issue among independent consultants, and it can be tough to overcome. I work directly with independent business owners, helping them increase their revenue while working less. When working with my clients, we almost always find: pockets of their business where…

5 Results an Executive Career Coach Can Help You Achieve

Why Hire an Executive Career Coach: 5 Benefits

By Melisa Liberman

There are so many types of coaches and coaching models out there, it can often be confusing to know why you would want to hire a coach and to understand what results you can achieve. This comes from personal experience, both as a coach and as a coachee (meaning I have my own coaches…. yes,…