Cost Management


4 Ways Independent Workers Ensure Market Agility

By MBO Partners

Agility refers to an organization’s ability to swiftly respond to market changes, customer demands, and emerging opportunities. To be agile, businesses need to be flexible, innovative, and able to adapt their operations to new circumstances. In today’s dynamic business landscape, agility is essential to survive and thrive. Why are Independent Contractors Important to Business Agility?…

independent consultants

3 Ways Independent Contractors Are Cost-Effective

By MBO Partners

Engaging an independent contractor to contribute specific skills to a project, help develop a new line of business, or assist in building out a new market is often much more cost-effective than spending the time and resources to recruit a full-time employee for the same need. Cost Differences Between Independent Contractors and Employees There are…


Pricing Your Consulting Services: Hourly, Fixed Price, or Hybrid Billing?

By MBO Partners

Figuring out your billing rate can greatly impact the ability to build your business. Ideally, you will arrive at an amount at the intersection of the income you need, the market value of your services, and the value you provide a client. Once you calculate your billing rate, you need to decide how to bill—that…

consultant looking at charts

How to Budget for Independent Workforce Management

By MBO Partners

Best practices and industry standards for engaging and paying independent contractors.


Why Misclassification Risk Can’t Be Ignored

By MBO Partners

As the 64.4 million-strong independent workforce continues to grow, so does the issue of employee misclassification. The IRS estimates that millions of workers have been misclassified, and according to state-level studies, 10-30% of employers misclassify their employees as independent contractors. While some misclassification is unintentional due to lack of understanding about laws regarding worker classification, sometimes it is done deliberately…

consultants working together

3 Strategies for Hiring Independent Workers

By MBO Partners

There are direct and indirect costs that must be considered when engaging and hiring independent workers. Independent professionals help organizations realize a competitive advantage among their peers by providing access to specialized, in-demand talent, staffing flexibility, and better control over employment costs. However, in order to make the best use of this valuable talent pool…


5 Benefits of Outsourcing Contractor Management

By MBO Partners

Outsourcing engagement and management tasks for your independent workforce can help your company stay compliant, save costs, and be more efficient.

consultant working

How to Effectively Sell Your Consulting Services

By MBO Partners

As a self-employed professional, a big part of your job is selling your consulting services. If that sounds like something that doesn’t come naturally to you, don’t worry. Finding work often comes down to the planning and effort you put into it. If you’ve already committed to building your own business, you have what it…

cyber security

Should Your Independent Contractors Have Cyber Insurance?

By Bunker

Cyber insurance helps protect your company from costly data breaches not covered by general or professional liability insurance. Learn the benefits of cyber insurance, what it protects, and why you should consider it if your company engages independent contractors.