Start a Small Business

retired consultant

3 Reasons to Consider Consulting After Retirement

By MBO Partners

Consulting after retirement is an attractive option for many reasons, but doesn’t returning to a grueling work schedule defeat the very purpose of retirement? If you have years of experience in the workforce, there should be a way for you to contribute your expertise while still making the most out of your retirement. Going independent…

women entrepreneurs

6 Pros and Cons of Being a Female Entrepreneur

By MBO Partners

If you’re considering pursuing a career as an independent professional, you’re probably already aware of the many benefits: the flexibility to work your own hours, the ability to pursue projects you’re passionate about, and the freedom to learn new skills—just to name a few. It’s therefore no surprise that there are more than 72.1 million independent…

consultant working with others

4 Ways to Find Independent Consulting Jobs

By MBO Partners

There are many ways to find consulting jobs—the secret is just knowing where and how to look for them. When you work as an independent professional, one of the biggest benefits is having the flexibility to follow your passion and choose the type of work you do. However, being smart and efficient in the way…

Independent business owner planning for growth

Starting a Consulting Business: 5 Common Mistakes

By MBO Partners

Starting a consulting business and going independent is an exciting transition. It’s a chance to be your own boss, pursue projects you’re passionate about, and control when and where you work. At the same time, there’s bound to be mistakes involved when you begin a new business venture. By proactively learning about common mistakes and…


Are You Ready to be Self Employed? Take the Quiz

By MBO Partners

Making the leap to self-employment is an exciting career and life change. As an independent contractor, you call the shots. It’s up to you to decide when, where, and how you work. But independent work comes with many new responsibilities as well. When you run your own business, it’s up to you to prepare contracts,…

consultant working on computer

Top 7 Financial Considerations When Starting a Small Business

By MBO Partners

When starting a small business, there are many financial considerations to consider. Maintaining a consistent pipeline of work, marketing your services, and building your brand are big pieces of the puzzle, but to make a sustainable income and operate compliantly, you’ll need to think about your finances as well. Here are seven financial management topics…

consultant working

Help Solve the Challenges of Independence through Talent Marketplaces

By MBO Partners

Our State of Independence research defines independent workers as full and part-time workers of all ages, skills, and income levels. This includes consultants, freelancers, contractors, temporary or on-call workers, solopreneurs, gig workers, and others who work independently to build businesses, develop their careers, pursue passions, and/or supplement their incomes. According to independent workers who participated…

consultants working

The Support Team Every Independent Professional Needs

By MBO Partners

As an independent professional, you will spend part (or, in some cases, all) of your career as a solopreneur. With a high degree of flexibility, autonomy, and control, being your own boss has a lot of advantages. The choice to go solo does have challenges. Respondents to our 2023 State of Independence survey cited unpredictable…


10 Books for Digital Nomads

By MBO Partners

If working remotely while traveling the globe sounds like a dream come true, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans report working as digital nomads—people who embrace a location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle while living and working remotely. Whether you’ve already tested the waters of digital nomadism and fallen in love with it or are simply curious to…

happy consultants

How to Become a Digital Nomad: 9 Things to Consider

By MBO Partners

What is a Digital Nomad? Digital nomads are people who embrace a location-independent, technology-enabled lifestyle. Digital nomads travel to different cities and even different countries to work remotely and explore new surroundings. Some people travel for years while others go for just a few weeks or months at a time. How do You Become a…