Insurance and Benefits


Business Insurance Requirements for Independent Consultants

By MBO Partners

Being an independent professional means you are responsible for ensuring the legal and financial well-being of your business. Remember that you are your company—if any legal or financial problems arise that affect your company, they will also affect you directly. It’s important to protect your business against the risk of liability losses not just because…

pregnant lady

Maternity Leave for Contractors: Advice from 5 Self-Employed Moms

By MBO Partners

Even with the flexibility of self-employment, taking maternity leave as an independent professional can be a challenge—both financially and logistically. Not only do you need to plan ahead for your projects, bring in extra help if needed, and set boundaries with your clients, but it’s also important to think ahead to childcare options and set realistic goals…

pregnant consultant

How to Plan for Parental Leave as an Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

When you run your own business, taking parental leave can be a scary prospect. Without set guidelines or a reliable paycheck, having to budget for time off, set expectations with clients, and work head on projects is daunting. Nevertheless, one of the benefits of running your own business is the freedom to structure projects around…

consultant shaking hands

Building Your A-List: 3 Things to Consider When Re-Engaging Independent Contractors

By Bunker

To re-engage independent contractors that have provided exceptional value to your organization, you should take certain steps to ensure these preferred independents are prepared to work with you again. There are some best practices you can follow to ensure your talent feels appreciated, and your company benefits from the agility they bring. In fact, one…


5 Health Insurance Options for Independent Consultants

By MBO Partners

As an independent professional, cutting ties with the constraints of a corporate workplace can also mean losing some of the perks—including health insurance benefits that many employers offer. However, this factor seems to be outweighed by the many benefits of going independent. Eighty-two percent of full-time independents say they are happier working on their own…

consultant talking

4 Home Based Business Insurance Options

By MBO Partners

If you’re a self-employed professional working from the comfort of a home office, business insurance may be the last thing on your mind. But most homeowners’ insurance policies don’t cover losses sustained by a home-based business, which can lead to costly claims, unexpected legal expenses, and damages to your company. Self-employed professionals who work from…


Common Small Business Insurance Requirements, Coverages, and Exclusions

By MBO Partners

As a self employed professional, you’ve probably dealt with the headache of small business insurance, most likely to satisfy the terms of a contract. Although the word insurance is often accompanied by a sigh, there are benefits in your small business insurance policy outside of just checking a box in the contract terms. It is…


Group and Individual Health Insurance Options for Contractors

By MBO Partners

Whether you are contemplating making the leap to independence or are new to the independent workforce, you have likely grappled with how you will manage benefits without traditional employment. Health, life, and disability insurance are among the perks of a corporate career. Below we explain different health insurance options available to self employed professionals along with…

How Portable Benefits Impact the Gig Economy

How Portable Benefits Impact the Gig Economy

By MBO Partners

As the American independent workforce continues to grow, the discussions surrounding non-employee and self-employed benefits and protections continue to gain steam. A potential solution to this issue, portable benefits, has been receiving significant attention for the last few years. What are portable benefits? Portable benefits are a proposed system that would allow an independent contractor, or…