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Land Federal Government Projects as an Independent Consultant


Land Federal Government Projects as an Independent Consultant

The federal marketplace is a sector built around regulations and relationships in the contracting lifecycle. One common scenario that happens in the market is when a business needs to request information by contacting a contractor to do it for them because they can't obtain it themselves. Although it seems easy to do, in reality, it is quite a tedious process as it includes a contract between the business and the contractor that contains all the necessary premises agreed upon by the constituents.

In this webinar, Brad Nestico, Founder of Braddick Consulting and Head of the Blue Beacon Federal Contracting, shared his insights on the federal marketplace and how to grow your pipeline. He also discussed federal contracting and the different keys to the success of business development for independents and 1099 contractors. 

In this webinar, you will learn: 

  • To define the federal marketplace and the factors under it
  • To get a glimpse of what it’s like to be part of the federal marketplace
  • To discover ways to do effective federal contracting as an independent contractor
  • How the contract lifecycle occurs and how to position oneself considering the latter
  • How federal contracting works for businesses and independents

This Q&A-style discussion covered:

  • The implications of being an independent and 1099 contractor
  • Where to find clients as an independent and/or 1099 contractor
  • How securing an agreement right away can help add more to the table
  • The importance of negotiating hours instead of rate compensation
  • Recommendations on which to pursue when getting contractors: The 1099 route or the Set-aside?

Complete the form to listen to our experts discuss landing federal government projects, and don't miss a recap of Part One (5 Challenges ICs Have in Building Relationships with Enterprise Clients), Part Two (Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling Without the 'Yuck Factor'), Part Three (How to Make & Keep Customers Happy), Part Four (Strategies for Billion Dollar Success Amidst Endless Innovation), Part Five (Creating, Maintaining & Growing Your Independent Business), Part Six (How to Become a Preferred Consultant for Top Enterprises), Part Eight (How to Sell Consulting Services in a Digital World), Part Nine (The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business), Part Ten (How to Generate Breakthrough Opportunities by Leveraging Your Network), and Part Eleven (Crowdsource Innovation, Serve Clients Project Needs and Unleash Residual Income with MindSumo)

Brad Nestico

Brad Nestico

Title: Founder and Head
Company: Braddick Consulting, Blue Beacon Federal Contracting

Blue Beacon Federal Contracting