7 Facebook Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

By MBO Partners • April 21, 2022
time 4 MIN
facebook small business
Key points
  • Utilizing the same tools and gaining access to the same internet audience as a huge corporation, social media may be a crucial part of promoting your small business.
  • Facebook is a fantastic platform for engaging with consumers directly, building more personal connections with your audience, and informing potential clients about your company.
  • To successfully market your company on Facebook, follow these dos and don'ts.

Social media can play an important role in marketing your small business, providing you with the opportunity to use the same tools and access the same online audience as a large company.

Facebook is a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level, provide potential customers with information about your business, and actively engage with users. Here are some Facebook marketing do’s and don’ts to help you successfully promote your business.

1. Do Create a Business Page

Creating a business page for your company is the first step to getting started with Facebook marketing—it’s actually against Facebook rules to use a personal profile for commercial gain. As you set up your business page, be sure to choose a compelling profile picture. This will be the first thing people see when they go to your page or search for you, so make sure it is something exciting that reflects your brand. The About section will be one of the most visited sections of your page, so be sure to include a description of your company, hours of operation, an address, phone number, and email address here.

2. Don’t Set Unrealistic Goals

Creating a Facebook page is exciting and can inspire you to set high initial goals when it comes to posting frequency. Rather than aspiring to post every day or multiple times a day, aim for once a week to realistically align with the time you have available. Regular, evenly spaced posts will be much more effective with a one-time flurry and sporadic follow-ups.

3. Do Engage With Your Fans

Facebook marketing can help create and nurture relationships with your past, current, and potential clients. If your posts have inspired people to comment, then you’re doing something right. Take the time to respond so you don’t miss out on the chance to connect with people on a deeper level. You never know what type of interaction may lead to a new project or networking opportunity.

4. Don’t Forget to Check Your Stats

Checking your data on Facebook Insights will help you know if the time you’re spending on Facebook marketing efforts is worth it. Rather than guessing at what is effective and what isn’t, test various types of posts and then compare the data to see what works best. This way, you won’t be wasting your valuable time posting content that doesn’t result in engagement. Instead, you’ll be able to target your posts with a laser focused to get the job done as efficiently as possible.

5. Do Know Your Audience

Knowing who your audience is will help you effectively target your content and overall message. Consider the interests of your target customers, and let that dictate what you decide to share on Facebook.

6. Don’t Just Focus on Selling

Rather than creating a sales pitch for your business, focus on sharing content that will engage your audience. This will help to grow brand recognition and instill trust. Don’t be afraid to show personality and create a brand voice with your content. This will help you stand out among your competitors and bring character to your business.

7. Do Use a Variety of Content

In general, keep Facebook posts short and visual. Visual elements will capture your audience’s attention so any time you can add a photo, graphic, video, or infograpic to a piece of content be sure to do so. A variety of content will help keep your audience engaged as well. Different types of content can include answering common questions, a look behind the scenes of your business, a product demonstration, or discussing industry news. Focus on what makes your business unique and what value you can bring for your customers.

Facebook marketing is a valuable tool for self-employed professionals, but keep in mind that a company Facebook page should be one part of your overall strategy. To make the most of social media marketing, research other platforms that your target audience is using and focus your social outreach on a core number of platforms. Coordinate the content you post and promote your accounts to build your network, establish yourself as an industry expert, and connect with new audiences.

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