5 Ways to Diversify Your Small Business

consultant working

Diversifying revenue streams for your small business can be a helpful way to prepare for uncertain times. Rather than putting all your eggs in one basket, a diversified business is more likely to withstand a cash shortage, economic downturn, or a dry spell of client contracts. Here are five ideas to consider when thinking of…

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How to Interview for Soft Skills (Guide)


The landscape of work has been in flux for some time as technologies and societal shifts have influenced how companies think of work. Enterprises are reassessing their HR models and many leaders realize that a view of the workforce as a rigid structure of job descriptions and defined career paths is going the way of…

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How to Define Your Direct Sourcing Strategy  

consultant working

We’ve covered several topics about a direct sourcing program, including building a skills assessment for your program business case, three areas to help improve understanding, the company functions that comprise your direct sourcing dream team, planning the stepping stones of your direct sourcing journey, and keys to program success.   A direct sourcing program does not…

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5 Best Practices from Top Open Innovation Solvers  

open innovation

If you have the characteristics of a successful open innovation solver, this world of solution crowdsourcing could be just the ticket. In addition to taking on new and exciting challenges, your participation (and winning solutions) can help you get noticed by potential employers, network with other solvers for business opportunities, and further establish your credentials…

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How the Independent Workforce can Protect Enterprises During Uncertain Times


Finding a way to thrive in today’s uncertain economic, political, and social environment is a challenge for modern businesses. In order to remain agile and sustain a resilient workforce, enterprises need to be flexible, leverage the latest digital tools, and reduce barriers to entry. Shifting towards a hybrid workforce model that includes both employees and…

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3 Ways Independent Contractors Are Cost-Effective

independent consultants

Engaging an independent contractor to contribute specific skills to a project, help develop a new line of business, or assist in building out a new market is often much more cost-effective than spending the time and resources to recruit a full-time employee for the same need. Cost Differences Between Independent Contractors and Employees There are…

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SIA: 40 under 40

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Staffing Industry Analysts features MBO Partners’ Director of Enterprise Sales, Kristian Rayner, in its 2023 40 under 40 list.

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How to Make the Most of a Talent Web

independent consultants

Not long ago, but long enough that it can feel like “once upon a time” to many people, the enterprise-worker relationship was simple, a straight line from employer to employee. Processes, procedures, and policies were built for this straight line and talent management strategies revolved around it. Around the beginning of the century, things began…

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