Your Work Environment

Managing the Pressure Cooker of Microstress for Enterprises and Independents

By MBO Partners

In today’s fast-paced workplace, people often find themselves grappling with a subtle form of pressure: microstress. Unlike the obvious stress that can arise from major life events, microstress comprises small daily stressors that add up over time. Because of the “smallness” of microstressors, they may be hard to identify. Their cumulative effects, though, can be…


Time Management Hacks for Independent Contractors: Balancing Work and Personal Life

By MBO Partners

As an independent contractor, finding ways to effectively manage your time can be a constant challenge. Many people decide to go independent for greater control over their work and personal life. They enjoy being their own boss, setting their own hours, and deciding who they work for and when. Maintaining this balance can take some…

digital nomad

6 Alternatives to Working From Home for Independent Contractors

By MBO Partners

While working from home may be convenient for some, it can be isolating and distracting for others. Here are 6 alternatives to a home office, along with benefits and drawbacks so you can make an informed decision. 1. Coworking Space Pros: While most coworking spaces do charge membership fees, they are relatively inexpensive and generally…


At a Career Crossroad? Be a Solution Solver 

By MBO Partners

Volatility has become the norm in global markets and economies. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve is addressing inflation for the first time in over 20 years. The pandemic, war, and supply chain issues are some of the other factors keeping things in flux. In the workplace, companies and workers are responding in their own…


10 Home Office Gifts for the Independent Professional

By MBO Partners

Many freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners call their home office—or wherever their workplace may be—their sanctuary. An office is a place that should generate creativity, promote health and well-being, and offer both a comfortable and efficient environment. We’ve compiled a list of our top home office gifts that are perfect for your wish list…


Identifying and Avoiding Work From Home Scams

By MBO Partners

Working from home seems like an ideal setup for many employees, including new moms and retirees. However, there are often “work from home” opportunities floating around that end up being fraudulent. You may ultimately waste your time or, worse, your money. We’ve compiled a list of ways to identify work from home scams so you can…

WFH consultant

Create a Home Office with These 10 Tips

By MBO Partners

Successful independent professionals are passionate and dedicated to their work, which often means spending long hours in the office. Luckily, unlike a cubicle, a home office is yours to customize, so those long hours can be spent in a work environment that is tailored to your needs. With a few simple tips, you can create a home…


4 Ways to Be More Productive Working from Home

By MBO Partners

As an independent professional, you have the major benefit of the ability to conduct business from your own home. By eliminating a daily office commute, you not only save gas money and help the environment, but your work schedule is suddenly much more flexible as well. However, as you may have already discovered, the one…

digital nomad

7 Travel Tips for Road Warrior Independents

By MBO Partners

The MBO Partners 2022 2022 Digital Nomads research study found that 16.9 million American workers currently describe themselves as digital nomads, increasing 9% from 2021 and a staggering 131% from the pre-pandemic year 2019. With such an increase the life of the self-employed “road warrior” has many twists and turns. How one navigates the travel-heavy…

consultant at desk

How To Be Productive When You Don’t Feel Like Working

By MBO Partners

Every independent professional out there has experienced it at one time or another: there are simply some days when you don’t feel like working. But forcing yourself to try and be productive on a day when you’re facing a creative block can actually backfire—tasks that you can normally complete in a short time may take…