Workforce Optimization

consultants working

Is It Time to Rethink Independent Talent in Your Enterprise?

By MBO Partners

“There have never been more payroll jobs in the U.S. There have also never been more people working independently.” 2023 State of Independence Report Those two statements may seem paradoxical, but they are both true. The U.S. independent talent population has grown steadily year on year—from 2020 to 2023 alone it jumped by 89%. Even…

happy consultants

How to Maximize the Impact of Your Independent Talent

By MBO Partners

An optimized workforce can produce significant business and competitive advantages in an enterprise. Attracting and engaging high-value independent professionals with in-demand skills offer key strategic opportunities that can effectively move the business forward. Though the engagement of people with high-value skills is certainly a major benefit, there is more value available in your independent talent…


How the Independent Workforce can Protect Enterprises During Uncertain Times

By MBO Partners

Finding a way to thrive in today’s uncertain economic, political, and social environment is a challenge for modern businesses. In order to remain agile and sustain a resilient workforce, enterprises need to be flexible, leverage the latest digital tools, and reduce barriers to entry. Shifting towards a hybrid workforce model that includes both employees and…

independent consultants

How to Make the Most of a Talent Web

By MBO Partners

Not long ago, but long enough that it can feel like “once upon a time” to many people, the enterprise-worker relationship was simple, a straight line from employer to employee. Processes, procedures, and policies were built for this straight line and talent management strategies revolved around it. Around the beginning of the century, things began…


What to Look for When Hiring a Consultant

By MBO Partners

Hiring independent contractors to build a blended workforce can result in many benefits for your company. Freelance workers give enterprises increased flexibility. By outsourcing work to an independent contractor, companies often save on the many costs associated with hiring a full-time employee. Independent contractors also give hiring managers access to in-demand skills—these are works who…


Addressing Unconscious Bias in Your Direct Sourcing Program

By MBO Partners

A total talent strategy focused on workforce optimization is designed to include a specific percentage of independent professionals with high-value skills. Success relies on creating a direct sourcing program that curates an independent talent pool of vetted workers. Hiring managers can tap this pool to fill project and team roles with proven workers who have…


Hiring Soft Skills for Future Success: Entrepreneurship

By MBO Partners

This is the fourth in a five-part series discussing skills critical for future success.  Other articles cover critical thinking, creativity, and communication. As digital and AI technologies continue to transform the world of work, the future workforce will need to be nimble, adaptable, and comfortable with continuous change. These attributes and the soft skills we’ve…


Webinar Recap: Life Goals – Managing Employee Experience in the Future of Work

By MBO Partners

More and more, workers are leaving corporate America by choice. Rather than becoming independent due to job layoffs or other events, they choose independence for their lifestyles and life goals. It’s an intentional choice, and the number of people making it is accelerating. Company leaders across all business sectors are recognizing the need to shift…


Plan for Uncertainty, Prepare for Success: Leveraging Military Frameworks to Accelerate Enterprise Future of Work Models

By Jonathan Shaffner

In the last few years, a health pandemic, supply chain challenges, geopolitical risks, inflation, and social unrest disrupted our economy in ways we had not felt in nearly a century. In a business sense, these disruptions do not drive destruction, they drive innovation. To adapt to this environment, businesses need to adopt a dynamic approach.  …


When to Think Independent (and When Not to)

By MBO Partners

With the pace of change increasing across all business sectors and unexpected market events remaining within the realm of possibility, there are times when hiring independent talent—or a team of independents—makes the most sense. These times, in fact, seem to be increasing as enterprises seek the benefit of workforce optimization. Our 2022 Contingent Labor report…