Workforce Optimization


Skills Assessment: The Foundation of a Direct Sourcing Business Case  

By Cori McKee

The benefits of a direct sourcing program to engage independent professionals can be compelling for an enterprise. Among the pluses, the ability to engage contractors without going through a third party can save costs and improve talent quality. Maintenance of a talent network of independent professionals can improve the re-engagement of high-value talent and minimize…

consultant working

Retention Strategies for Independent Talent

By MBO Partners

As more and more companies move toward a blended or optimized workforce—a combination of full-time employees and contractors—the need to attract and continue to engage high-value independent talent has become strategically significant.  When an enterprise finds excellence in the workforce, whether in an employee or a contractor, it wants to retain it. How can an…

consultant talking costs

How Independent Contractors Can Boost Your Bottom Line in a Recession

By MBO Partners

Despite dire recession warnings from economists, the US market currently has more job openings than labor to fill them. This doesn’t mean firms aren’t laying off talent, doing more with less, or considering scaling back on hiring. At this time, when the economy’s direction is up in the air and uncertainty prevails in the market,…

happy consultant

Why the Great Resignation is Really the Great Realization

By MBO Partners

As a hiring manager, you know first-hand the pain of the Great Resignation. This “post-” pandemic economic trend of employees resigning in droves has hit every industry. In fact, a record-breaking 11 million jobs were vacant at the end of October, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  But people aren’t leaving the workforce…

Hiring a team of independent talent

Advantages and Considerations for Hiring Teams of Independent Talent

By MBO Partners

In conducting the research that informs our annual State of Independence report, we noticed a trend in the late 2010s that prompted us to include a new set of questions in our surveys. The focus of these questions is on how and why independent professionals form teams with other independents or microbusinesses. We began reporting…

An age-diverse team

Increase Performance through an Age-Diverse Workforce

By MBO Partners

Baby Boomers and GenXers, the two most seasoned generations of independent professionals, comprise nearly half of the talent pool (26% and 23% respectively). Unfortunately, many enterprises don’t effectively tap that talent demographic, often because of myths that persist about “older workers.” In addition to gaining access to a wider range of skills and expertise, creating…

consultant looking at charts

6 Benefits of Workforce Optimization for Companies

By MBO Partners

Workforce optimization allows companies to access the talent they need in an agile, cost-efficient way so they can succeed in the future of work.  Finding the talent you need to effectively run your business is no easy feat. As the modern workforce environment increasingly trends towards engaging independent talent, enterprises must adjust the way they…


4 Ways Companies Can Achieve Workforce Agility

By MBO Partners

Over the past few years, more people than ever before have left their payroll jobs to pursue independent work. Simultaneously, companies have realized that remaining agile is key to surviving economic ups and downs. The contingent workforce is an increasingly important part of ensuring enterprises are ready, adaptable, and competitive for whatever challenge they might…


Open Innovation: Filling Solution Gaps

By Keaton Swett

Corporations see challenges that fall on the human resources floor. They try to fill skills gaps with contingent workers, freelancers and contractors; however, it falls short of all the work your organization needs. Strategizing for the future of your organization will comprise at least three different types of work: full-time employees, contingent workers, and problem…

consultant working

6 Ways to Ensure the Enterprise Readiness of Your Contingent Labor Program

By MBO Partners

Enterprise readiness is top of mind for many businesses. Fundamentally, enterprise readiness is the ability of a particular function or capability to expand across the entire organization. For example, the IT department must ensure that systems and applications can scale as needed. Enterprise readiness contributes to business flexibility and agility, and helps a business respond…