How a Healthy Pipeline Helps You Price Properly

consultant group

As part of our educational programs on pricing, we bring you part two of a four-part series from Reuben Swartz, who spent over a decade helping companies from Fortune 500 giants to independent consultants improve profits through better pricing. Read part 1: Stop Commodifying Yourself, if you haven’t already. He also created Mimiran, the fun,…

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4 Reasons to Start a Blog for Your Small Business

blog post

Think of a blog as an opportunity to engage and grow your target audience. A blog for your business is more than something to update with your weekly experiences as an independent professional. Blogging is a great way to showcase your expertise, bring in potential clients, and grow your personal brand. In fact, blogs are…

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How to Build a Competitive Workforce Strategy


Building a community around independent talent is an important part of workforce optimization. independent contractors who have in-demand skills tend to be able to pick and choose the clients they work with. That means, in order to attract and engage the very best talent, organizations must place a strong focus on candidate experience when building their…

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5 Common Concerns about Hiring Independent Contractors

happy consultants

If your organization is engaging independent contractors for the first time, it may feel like navigating completely new territory. You might have fears about the quality of the final product, what it’ll cost, or the productive use of time and resources—it can be hard to trust someone you’ve never worked with before. However, in light…

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How to Create Consulting Content that Sells

Home podcaster

Service marketing differs from product marketing in a number of ways. One is the absence, usually, of a tangible sample that a prospect can hold, inspect, or try out. Creating content to promote services is a great way to demonstrate your expertise as well as your personality and work style. Building a content library can…

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How To Give Back on a Budget when You’re Self Employed


Philanthropy can be an important part of your brand, even if you’re self employed. Not only is charitable giving a great way to give back to your community and support a good cause, but it can also help to build connections with existing and potential customers, differentiate your business, and gain positive publicity. But as a…

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Increase Performance through an Age-Diverse Workforce

An age-diverse team

Baby Boomers and GenXers, the two most seasoned generations of independent professionals, comprise nearly half of the talent pool (26% and 23% respectively). Unfortunately, many enterprises don’t effectively tap that talent demographic, often because of myths that persist about “older workers.” In addition to gaining access to a wider range of skills and expertise, creating…

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4 Steps to Take in a Worker Classification Audit

Team made up of employees and independent professionals

Any business that engages independent talent will take precautions to minimize the risk of worker misclassification, but if you do find yourself with an IRS audit letter what do you do? Because audits can result in large fines, negative press, back-tax payments, and even class-action lawsuits, the prospect of going through one can be scary.…

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