MBO Partners

CEOWorld Magazine

Digital Nomads: A trend that will rise in the upcoming years

By MBO Partners

Digital Nomads are the people who work remotely from different parts of the world and not necessarily from an office. They can work from a hotel room in Barbados or in Paris or even a vacation house in Greek islands like Santorini or Mykonos. They can complete their daily tasks with the help of technology and…

consultant social media

How to Create a Strong Consultant Profile on LinkedIn

By MBO Partners

A strong professional LinkedIn profile is a key part of marketing for any business, even a small business or independent consulting practice. When people search for your services or name, your LinkedIn profile is going to be one of the first things that shows up in Google search results. It’s important to show potential clients…

misclassification and compliance news

Independent Contractor Misclassification and Compliance News May 2021

By MBO Partners

As the independent workforce continues to grow, so do the issues of worker compliance and misclassification. It is important for enterprises to remain informed about the latest laws, regulations, and developments surrounding these topics. Each month, we’ll bring you the latest news stories from around the web. 1. United States Department of Labor Withdraws Independent…

New York Times

So, You Want to Become a Digital Nomad

By MBO Partners

Let’s say you’re thinking about becoming a digital nomad this summer, making the most of your company’s work-from-home policy as borders reopen before the bosses require you back in the office. About 10.9 million Americans last year described themselves as digital nomads — people who work remotely and tend to travel from place to place…

New York Post

These are the best 10 countries for remote workers

By MBO Partners

While various parts of the globe begin to reopen as more people get vaccinated, remote workers might feel inspired to go abroad. Conversely, 17 million people reportedly aspire to become a digital nomad one day, according to research from MBO Partners.


The Best Destinations For Digital Nomads: A New Survey

By MBO Partners

Covid-19 has forced millions of professionals around the world to abandon their office and relocate to a remote style of work. Despite these lifestyle challenges, digital nomading is likely to return to growth as the pandemic abates. MBO Partners, in their most recent report, found there are 10.9 million digital nomads, up from just 7.6 million in…

fast company logo

Remote work made digital nomads possible. The pandemic made them essential

By MBO Partners

Digital nomads, ironically, are easy to locate. By nature of their lifestyle, many have built careers on the internet: sharing snapshots of dreamy landscapes spun from coconut palm trees and rainbow-colored villas, hosting blogs that detail the ins and outs of life perpetually on the road. In 2019, consulting firm MBO Partners found that 7.3 million American workers described themselves…

Florida Times Union

Digital ‘nomadland’: Jacksonville earns top rank as best U.S. city for tech-savvy remote workers

By MBO Partners

As part of what some are calling the Great Reshuffling, digital nomads relocate often, keeping familial and work connections online as they seek new adventures for months in unfamiliar destinations. That was borne out by talent provider MBO Partners’ 2020 “COVID-19 and the Rise of the Digital Nomad” report, which shows that the number of digital nomads nationwide jumped by 49 percent…

The Banker

Will going back to the office stimulate productivity?

By MBO Partners

Once an organisation understands what its workforce is doing, it can then reorganise the work better, as well as automate many administrative and repetitive tasks. Now new talent platforms are emerging, such as Upwork and MBO Partners, which are building private talent exchanges for several enterprises. This allows organisations to respond to the ebbs and…

Inside NOVA

‘Digital nomads’ find their groove in pandemic environment

By MBO Partners

Nearly 11 million American workers currently describe themselves as digital nomads, an increase of 49 percent from 2019, according to independent talent provider MBO Partners’ 2020 State of Independence research study. In 2020, the number of traditional workers working as digital nomads grew 96 percent, from 3.2 million to 6.3 million, according to the study.