How To Be Productive When You Don’t Feel Like Working

consultant at desk

Every independent professional out there has experienced it at one time or another: there are simply some days when you don’t feel like working. But forcing yourself to try and be productive on a day when you’re facing a creative block can actually backfire—tasks that you can normally complete in a short time may take…

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4 Ways to Reduce Worker Misclassification Risk

consultant working

Worker misclassification is a complex topic. It does not always have a straightforward solution. Often, misclassification can be unintentional because businesses simply do not have a full understanding of the laws regarding how to classify their workers. However, it can also be done intentionally to reduce labor costs or avoid payroll taxes. Regardless of why…

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3 Ways to Evaluate Small Business Goals


The future of your business and its level of success comes down to each of the decisions you make, both large and small. To help ensure you’re making the right decisions for your business, it’s important to not only set initial goals in your business plan, but to take the time to periodically reevaluate them. Whether…

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6 Habits of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs

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There are many paths to become a successful independent professional, but there are several key stepping stones that can put you on the path to success. Here are six habits to keep in mind if you are considering going independent, or if you feel like something is missing from your routine that’s keeping you from…

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How to Boost the ROI of Your Client Meetings

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As a self-employed professional, the right relationships can make or break your business. Not knowing where your next project or client is coming from can be a source of stress that takes the fun out of what you love to do. That’s why your relationships—the people you surround yourself with—are such an important part of building…

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5 Ways Hiring Managers Can Help Talent Get to Work Faster

group pf Consultants

If you’re hiring an independent contractor, chances are you need them to get to work quickly. But in our modern work environment where independent talent—and you—likely work from home, this can seem like a daunting task. Luckily, the reality is everyone is in the same boat. More people than ever before are WFH, and there…

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