3 Mistakes an Executive Coach Can Help You Avoid

executive coach

In today’s post, Melisa Liberman, an executive coach specializing in tech leaders, offers actionable tips from her own experience as both a “coach” and a “coachee” to help independent professionals considering coaching for future career growth or career transition. Despite the title, an “executive coach” is not just for executives. Knowing when it’s the right time…

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4 Powerful Offline Marketing Strategies for Small Business

marketing a small businesss

There are many ways to market yourself for free online as a small businesses or independent professional. And with good reason—the Internet is a great leveler, giving every business, large or small, the same potential to reach its audience. But too often independent professionals focus entirely on online activities, neglecting to do much of anything…

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7 Best Self Employed Jobs that Pay Well

7 Best Self Employed Jobs that Pay Well

If you are contemplating a move to self-employment but aren’t sure if your work experience is suited to an independent career, taking a look at high-demand jobs within your industry can help give you an idea of how to align your skills with market needs. Whether you’re a well-established professional, or just starting on a new path,…

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5 Time Management Strategies for Independent Consultants

consultants at work

Some of the biggest perks of independent work are freedom from corporate nine-to-five days and the ability to create your own schedule. Without a set routine, however, time management can be challenging as a self-employed professional. Here are five tips to help you efficiently manage your time while still maintaining the freedom of setting your…

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4 Ways a Consulting Firm Compliantly Engages in International Business Travel (Case Study)

international flags

CASE STUDY Vertical: Professional Services | Type: Misclassification and Compliance Any organization that engages independent contractors should have a general understanding of the importance of compliance. Having the right measures in place to correctly identify talent as independent contractors or traditional employees—and then engage and manage that person accordingly—is essential to remaining compliant and avoiding…

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How to Network with Peers When You’re Self Employed


Networking with your peers may sound too easy to be good advice, but there are many advantages: hearing a new perspective, gaining industry advice, or obtaining an outside opinion about an idea you have, just to name a few. It can be easy to get caught up in the daily grind of running your own…

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