Open Innovation

open innovation

How to Eat An Elephant: Open Innovation Bite-by-Bite

By MBO Partners

Open innovation can help companies solve problems that would otherwise remain left behind by any department. Whether implemented at a large or small company, crowdsourcing can help thrust productivity forward. It is important to use problem-solvers who are naturally curious, confident lifelong learners. After selecting problem solvers, a company can learn from the solutions provided….

Leading a meeting

How Big and Small Companies Can Innovate During A Recession  

By Keaton Swett

Open innovation answers all the leftover problems that companies can’t solve during even the best of times. Economic downturns flash a light on the need for these solutions. Companies are most familiar with attracting employees and contingent workers. However, problem solvers can fit into those gaps left by a traditional workforce. Large corporations are more…


Open Innovation: Filling Solution Gaps

By MBO Partners

Corporations see challenges that fall on the human resources floor. They try to fill skills gaps with contingent workers, freelancers and contractors; however, it falls short of all the work your organization needs. Strategizing for the future of your organization will comprise at least three different types of work: full-time employees, contingent workers, and problem…

consultants working at desk

Why Open Innovation is Needed to Fuel the Future of Work

By Keaton Swett

The ancient Romans taught us that “repetition is the mother of learning.” They knew the best way to learn was to hear, read, or do something over and over again.   Everyone understands that practice is necessary to learn a sport, an instrument, a language, or a skill. Without repetition, a person is bound to be…


How Open Innovation Can be a Starting Block for Gen Z Independent Talent

By MBO Partners

Open innovation, or the use of external participants to help a company solve core problems, or challenges, has grown in popularity in recent years. While organizations do not specifically rely on one generation or another to solve challenges when using open innovation, often also referred to as “crowdsourcing,” platforms supporting this type of work most…


Webinar Recap: Bringing Open Innovation to the Future of Work

By MBO Partners

Webinar Recap: Bringing Open Innovation to the Future of Work