
consultants working in office

Making and Keeping Happy Customers

By MBO Partners

Without a doubt, satisfying your customers (or prospects) is the best way to grow your business. To accomplish this, some consultants focus on maximizing revenue and investment returns, while others focus on developing and nurturing customer relationships. Both are often necessary for success, but it’s difficult to find the appropriate balance of these seemingly opposing…

consultants working in office

Warm Email Prospecting: Cold Calling without the “Yuck” Factor

By MBO Partners

Let’s face it — prospecting for clients is a pain, but mostly because we make it much harder than it needs to be. But here’s the good news: there’s a much faster and simpler way to prospect for clients using nothing but email. This method is perfect if you don’t really enjoy prospecting, or if…

people around whiteboard

How to Increase Your Income: Pricing Strategies for Independent Consultants

By MBO Partners

Being an independent consultant takes a certain level of skill, especially when it comes to the delicate science of pricing and fees. This webinar will discuss how to recognize the two pricing mistakes that independent consultants often make, how to incorporate value to the client into your pricing decisions, and how to adopt a process…