Work-Life Integration

consultant managing expenses

6 Time Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

By MBO Partners

Managing your time while maintaining the freedom of setting your own schedule is a goal for anyone who is self-employed. After all, one of the biggest perks of independent work is the freedom from corporate nine-to-five days and the ability to create your own schedule. Without a set routine, however, time management can be challenging…


10 Self Employment Myths

By MBO Partners

Why is self-employment appealing? Being your own boss, working when and where you like, and turning your passion into a career are just a few of the perks. But people are often hesitant to make the leap due to concerns about job security, experience level needed, or income potential. However, many of these fears lack…


4 Reasons to Turn Down a Consulting Project

By MBO Partners

Turning down a project may not be your first inclination, but it is sometimes the best choice. If you’re new to self-employment, it can be tempting to accept every potential project that comes your way. After all, clients and the projects they provide are your sources of income. But just because an opportunity is presented…

working from home

How to Stay Motivated When You Work from Home

By MBO Partners

Staying motivated can be hard if you work from home. Self-employment is many people’s dream come true. You get to set your own hours, work where you like, and be your own boss. But all that time spent alone can quickly take an emotional toll and it’s easy to lose motivation and energy when you…

consultants working in office

Top 6 Work-Life Balance Benefits

By MBO Partners

Work-life balance—finding that optimal balance between work and home—is something independent professionals strive for. And with good reason. There are many benefits to finding a balance between running your independent business and living your life. Here are six work-life balance benefits to inspire you. 1. Increased Productivity The majority of independent professionals work remotely, and…

conaultants mbo

6 Actionable Ways to Stay Motivated When You’re Self Employed

By MBO Partners

When you are self-employed, you’ll quickly learn that putting in long hours without seeing immediate payoff is pretty normal. The pressure of doing it all yourself can be a lot and it can be easy to lose steam. Find inspiration, keep on task throughout the day, and maintain focus on your goals by following these…


How to Achieve Work Life Balance When You’re Self-Employed

By MBO Partners

When you are self-employed, work-life balance can often feel like a hard reach. Running your own business means you have to balance the demands of multiple clients while staying on top of all of your back-office tasks and planning for the future. Without a good balance between your work life and personal life, you may…

consultant drinking coffee

How to Take a Vacation as an Independent Professional

By MBO Partners

Work-life balance is important, but managing a small business is a big responsibility. It’s not uncommon to have to put work before play. Summer can be a challenging time to find a moment to relax—kids are on vacation, family and friends are visiting, or you may be gearing up for a busy fall. Unfortunately, working…

Consultant at work

Why Self-Care Matters for Remote Workers

By MBO Partners

Putting yourself before your clients, family obligations, or a looming deadline isn’t always an easy choice to make. Self-care is particularly important for independent professionals—especially if you work remotely. Self-care practices will help you to stay happy, healthy, and motivated. And that ultimately benefits both you and everyone around you. Working remotely and running your…


4 Ways to Prevent Burnout When You’re Self Employed

By MBO Partners

Burnout: it’s a feeling most working adults have experienced at some point in their lives—the career that was once exciting and invigorating has become a source of exhaustion, apathy, or even dread. While this can happen to anyone, the self-employed can be particularly prone to burnout due to their fast-paced, demanding schedules. Here are our…