Workforce Management

consultants smiling at table

5 Reasons to Outsource Independent Workforce Management

By MBO Partners

The talent management landscape is changing. Forward-thinking organizations today are turning to flexible workforce models, incorporating independent professional talent to supplement their full-time workforce with specialized skills and on-demand project availability. In this new world, it’s important for companies to take an agile approach to talent management in order to capitalize on the latest trends…


6 Ways to Become a Preferred Client for Contractors After the Great Resignation

By MBO Partners

Developing strong relationships with the independent contractors you engage is a key part of keeping those workers coming back. Over the past few years, employees have left their jobs in droves and started working independently. This group of workers provides enteprises with a highly skilled pool of talent that is well-suited to project-based work.  But…

consultant on zoom

6 Ways to Effectively Manage Remote Independent Workers

By MBO Partners

Remote work is more common than ever before and many enterprise managers are finding the need to shift their mindset and policies to align with a virtual work environment. There are many benefits to remote work including increased work/life flexibility, lower costs, and often greater productivity. Of course, there are many challenges as well. In…

consultant working

6 Ways to Ensure the Enterprise Readiness of Your Contingent Labor Program

By MBO Partners

Enterprise readiness is top of mind for many businesses. Fundamentally, enterprise readiness is the ability of a particular function or capability to expand across the entire organization. For example, the IT department must ensure that systems and applications can scale as needed. Enterprise readiness contributes to business flexibility and agility, and helps a business respond…

consultants working


3 Ways to Manage Freelancers and Independent Contractors (Guide)

By MBO Partners

Compare independent contractor engagement alternatives to find the one that works best for you.

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Talent Network Management: Tips for Being the Client of Choice for Top Talent

By MBO Partners

Competition for top independent talent is getting fiercer in today’s workplace. With many in-demand skills and top performers only accessible through contract engagements, insightful enterprises have seen the importance of attracting independent professionals to their brands.   Once these professionals have been attracted and proven to be a good fit for the work and the company,…

consultants working together

6 Steps to Creating a Contingent Workforce Management Strategy

By MBO Partners

When you engage independent workers, it is critical to have an independent workforce management strategy so that your program can be effective and successful. Whether you work with independent contractors, freelancers or consultants, contingent workers must be engaged and managed differently than traditional employees. There is a distinct level of compliance risk associated with this…

Happy freelancer

6 Ways to Prepare Your Enterprise to Engage Top Independent Talent

By MBO Partners

The fractional or blended workforce, a mix of full-time employees and contingent labor, is fast becoming the new normal in the enterprise space. In fact, today, one in three workers in enterprises are contingent. When organizations leverage a strategic mix of independent labor, full-time employees, and even offshore talent, we refer to this as an…

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3 Strategies for Hiring Independent Workers

By MBO Partners

There are direct and indirect costs that must be considered when engaging and hiring independent workers. Independent professionals help organizations realize a competitive advantage among their peers by providing access to specialized, in-demand talent, staffing flexibility, and better control over employment costs. However, in order to make the best use of this valuable talent pool…

consultant working

5 Challenges Independent Professionals Have with Your Enterprise (and how to solve them)

By MBO Partners

Working as an independent contractor isn’t always easy or straightforward. Although there are now 51 million independent professionals—and that number is expected to increase—many jobs are still created with traditional employees in mind. In order to take advantage of the independent professional labor market, it’s important for enterprises to learn where independents might be struggling…