Building Client Relationships

consultant working

How to Build Trust with a New Client

By MBO Partners

Building trust with clients is an important part of your job as an independent professional. When you start working with a new client, it’s important to take steps to build a lasting relationship. When a client trusts your judgment and believes in your work, doors can open on future projects or result in referrals to…


7 Tips for Writing a Client Report (with Sample Report)

By MBO Partners

Writing a client report is essential for communicating your progress on a project and managing and building positive relationships with clients.   What Is a Client Report?  Client reports help you and your client measure progress, identify any barriers or issues, and ensure that you are working toward the same goals. Your written client report could be an informal…


6 Creative Ways to Get Client Testimonials that Build Your Brand

By MBO Partners

Client referrals and recommendations can be invaluable in building business credibility and trust. While a good marketing strategy can help draw in potential clients, prospects will likely look for customer reviews next. Testimonials are important because they are first-hand accounts of an experience with your business. Testimonials can help you build a strong brand and confirm…


5 Tips for Closing the Deal and Getting the Job

By MBO Partners

Acquiring new clients is an essential part of your business. While marketing your services and growing your network is critical, these are just steps in the first phase of client acquisition. When it comes time to put pen to paper (or cursor to electronic document), the way you handle closing a sale is important for…


3 Sales Tips for Consultants: How to Close the Deal

By MBO Partners

You’re an expert in your industry, so it should be easy to sell your services, right? Not necessarily. Just because you’re knowledgeable and produce excellent results, if you haven’t developed effective sales skills, you may struggle to close deals. The good news is that, if you lack these skills, there are many things you can…


3 Benefits of Working with Big Clients as a Consultant

By MBO Partners

Why Consultants Work with Large Companies Big companies can afford to spend big money with small businesses, but pitching your services to a large enterprise can be daunting. However, if you know your market and have done your research, it is possible to refine your services to meet corporate demand. In fact, the number of…

consultants working

How to Communicate Effectively with Clients

By MBO Partners

Communication is one of the most important factors in developing and maintaining client relationships. Clients are the glue that hold small businesses together. Your success and growth as an independent professional is only as strong as the relationships you build with your clients. Good communication can help keep a project moving along smoothly, resolve pain…

consultant working at desk

5 Ways to Find Your Ideal Client as a Small Business

By MBO Partners

Finding new clients isn’t easy, and if a new client doesn’t quite fit the profile of who you want to work with it can take away from enjoying your work. To grow your business with minimal headaches and frustration, it’s important to find clients who align well with both the way you work as well…


5 Ways to Attract More Clients to Your Consulting Business

By MBO Partners

If you’ve been running your own business for years, you’ve probably already developed a strong reputation and a reliable list of clients, making it can be easy to grow complacent. You appreciate your current clients, you feel comfortable working with them, and you feel secure. But things can change in a minute; clients can go…


4 Ways to Handle Common Client Challenges

By MBO Partners

Challenges can arise as you work with clients, and it is important to be prepared to handle them.  You may encounter a roadblock, situation, or circumstance that makes it difficult to successfully perform your work. It’s not uncommon to struggle with knowing when to make your client aware of issues or limitations. When it comes…