Building Client Relationships


5 Ways to Get Client Testimonials

By MBO Partners

Client referrals and recommendations are a great marketing tool for small business owners. Testimonials lend credibility to your company and are especially helpful for prospective clients who may be considering working with you. Testimonials often are the main driver of purchasing decisions. Like it or not, what other people say about your work is an…

Independent worker

Improve Your Client Email Etiquette: 3 Bad Habits to Fix

By MBO Partners

More than 124 billion business emails are sent and received each day. As a small business, how do you stand out from the crowd and deliver value in the emails you send to your clients? As the old adage says, “it’s nice to be important, but it’s important to be nice.” While this serves as…

5 Project Planning Tips for Independent Contractors

5 Project Planning Tips for Independent Contractors

By MBO Partners

Working through the details of your contract with a client is a big task, but as you get ready to actually begin your next project there’s still a lot of planning to do. Even if you don’t create a formal project plan, thinking through project risks, responsibilities, and goals can help you stay organized, determine what tasks…

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Coronavirus and the Independent Workforce: Tips, Strategies & Tools for Successful Remote Work, Safety, and Preparedness

By MBO Partners

MBO Partners recognizes the growing concern about the possible spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). We’d like to take this time to address some additional risk mitigation activities that independent professionals can take to help prevent further spread of this and any virus, as well as to offer some proactive suggestions so that independents can remain as…

consultants working in office

Building Effective Client Presentations

By MBO Partners

This exciting MBO Partners webinar features practical strategies for designing and managing client presentations in ways that are impactful and actionable. Host Panayotis (Pete) Karabetis, Associate Director of Engineering at LMO Advertising in Baltimore, Maryland, walks participants through his most effective  ways to think through meetings and presentations as an independent professional. Want more information? Download…

consultants working in office

Making and Keeping Happy Customers

By MBO Partners

Without a doubt, satisfying your customers (or prospects) is the best way to grow your business. To accomplish this, some consultants focus on maximizing revenue and investment returns, while others focus on developing and nurturing customer relationships. Both are often necessary for success, but it’s difficult to find the appropriate balance of these seemingly opposing…