Marketing and Branding

Considering value

4 Tips to Convey Value to Your Clients and Prospects

By MBO Partners

What constitutes “value” to your clients and prospects? Are you simply assuming you know the answer to this question or is the answer based on reliable information? Grasping how clients perceive value is a crucial step in your business strategy. Value perception, a nuanced concept, can vary from company to company and even from person…


Hard Sell, Soft Sell: Finding the Right Blend

By MBO Partners

Understanding the differences between soft selling and hard selling is key to honing your sales technique. By grasping these differences and learning how to blend them, you can adapt your approach to various customer types and situations, enhancing your sales effectiveness. What is Hard Selling? Hard selling is the style most associated with “sales”  in…


Which Creator Partnership Is Right for You?

By MBO Partners

Independent creators—individuals who earn money by creating and distributing digital content—number 8.1 million in the US, and the population is growing. The majority are under 40 and male. They are entrepreneurial, fiercely independent, and value flexibility in their lives. This is the Creator Economy, a rising force in the marketplace. Enterprise-creator partnerships can be mutually beneficial….


6 Ways to Stay Competitive as an Independent Contractor

By MBO Partners

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, finding ways to stay competitive as an independent contractor is more important than ever. More than 72 million Americans report working independently—and companies are relying more on independent talent to fill strategic positions and build out project teams. Discovering your niche and differentiating the services you offer can help you…

consultant working on laptop

Focus Social Media Marketing for Best Results in Your Independent Business

By MBO Partners

As a large component of digital marketing, social media is a “must-have” in an independent professional’s business growth strategy. Effective social media marketing can build your brand, connect you with peers, and uncover new business opportunities. Business-related social media marketing platforms serve different audiences and comprise different content. The most notable include: LinkedIn, fostering professional…

Independent doing marketing analysis

3 Steps to Create a Niche for Your Independent Business

By MBO Partners

A lot is going on in the marketplace today. We’re at the dawn of the AI era—or perhaps really at the pre-dawn stage—and many independent professionals are facing a growing need to reinvent their businesses It may be tempting to add more services and target audiences to cope with the fast-changing business environment. In fact,…


4 Must-Have AI Skill Areas for Any Independent Professional

By MBO Partners

To a greater or lesser extent, AI permeates every function in an enterprise. As an independent professional, even if your services are not specific to AI you must master relevant tools and stay current as they evolve. This can allow you to achieve and retain a favorable competitive position and expand your offerings to clients…

happy consultant

4 Applications of AI in the Creator Economy

By MBO Partners

In spite of seeing a plateau in its population from last year to this year, the Creator Economy is positioned for big growth. With an expanding ecosystem of support services and content platforms incorporating technological advancements that help them, new creators from all age groups are finding low barriers to entry and audiences waiting to…

consultant working

Help Solve the Challenges of Independence through Talent Marketplaces

By MBO Partners

Our State of Independence research defines independent workers as full and part-time workers of all ages, skills, and income levels. This includes consultants, freelancers, contractors, temporary or on-call workers, solopreneurs, gig workers, and others who work independently to build businesses, develop their careers, pursue passions, and/or supplement their incomes. According to independent workers who participated…

happy consultants

How to Use an Online Marketplace to Grow Your Small Business

By MBO Partners

Finding new work is always top of mind when you run your own business. Independent professionals are increasingly relying on online talent marketplaces as a sales channel for their services. In 2022, 41% of independents who provide services to businesses said they found work on talent platforms, an increase from 15% in 2015 and just…