Grow a Small Business

consultant working

2 Back Office Management Tips for Consultants

By MBO Partners

Whether you’re just starting your small business or you’re a seasoned veteran, you’ll quickly learn that there’s a lot of planning involved. Initially, this planning will focus on choosing the services you will offer, finding and securing clients, and deciding where and how you will run your business. These are all important first steps and…


8 Essential Elements of a Professional Website

By MBO Partners

A professional website is a great way to spread brand awareness, boost your credibility, promote your services, and generate new client leads. As a small business owner, most of your competition is likely bigger businesses that have the marketing capital to advertise and reach out to more people. But a professional website can help even…

consultant working

The Role of Patrons in the Creator Economy

By MBO Partners

Content creators, one of the fastest-growing independent work segments in the US, monetize their knowledge and skills by creating and publishing online digital content. They are writers, artists, entertainers, videographers, social media influencers, educators, pundits, and thought leaders who publish across a range of online channels. Because digital content creation tools and distribution platforms are…

Online Learning

Education Options to Grow Your Skills and Your Business

By MBO Partners

Continuous learning is important for any professional. For an independent professional operating a solo business, it’s a must. In addition to continuing to hone skills in your area of expertise, and even expand that area, you must understand how to operate a company, including how to market, how to budget, and how to manage finances….

consultant working

6 Tips for Open Innovation Solver Success 

By Keaton Swett

As an independent professional, being an open innovation solver can be fulfilling. It helps create a new revenue stream and the satisfaction of contributing to a company’s strategic direction.   You know how to write a winning proposal and you understand the importance of cultivating a good relationship with a client or prospect. This means…


8 Tips to Make Your Small Business Stand Out

By MBO Partners

As a small business owner, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd—especially if you are just starting out. Giving an identity and voice to your company is the first step to land those initial clients and build your reputation. As your small business grows, so can your efforts to build a visible…


7 Best Practices for Becoming a Successful Consultant

By MBO Partners

Whether you’re a new member of the independent professional workforce or a seasoned veteran, operating a successful solo business can be an ongoing challenge. In the beginning the challenge might be securing clients and generating revenues, while later down the line it might be adjusting your services to meet market changes, and, of course, securing…

consultants working

An Independent Professional Brand: What It Is and Why You Need One

By MBO Partners

The US independent worker population numbered 64.6 million in 2022, a 26% increase over 2021, which at 51.1 million showed 34% growth over 2020. Such impressive growth points to fundamental changes in the workforce as more and more enterprises strategically deploy independents to boost business growth and competitive advantage. While this is great news for…


4 Steps to Double Your Consulting Revenue in 2023

By MBO Partners

Increasing revenue is a common goal for many independent consultants. Having a stable base of monthly income is great but building on that success to truly achieve your financial goals is even better. In February, executive coach Melisa Liberman hosted a webinar where she outlined four steps to double your consulting revenue. Check out the…


At a Career Crossroad? Be a Solution Solver 

By MBO Partners

Volatility has become the norm in global markets and economies. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve is addressing inflation for the first time in over 20 years. The pandemic, war, and supply chain issues are some of the other factors keeping things in flux. In the workplace, companies and workers are responding in their own…